IAAM Handbook

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The diverse 29-Member Schools of the Interscholastic Athletic Association of Maryland share a common commitment to athletics as an extension of the educational process. Participation in healthy athletic competition provides our female students opportunities to build character, acquire and improve skills, demonstrate leadership, and have fun. The league, its member schools, and participants embrace fair play, integrity, and respectful behavior as integral components of the spirit of the games.


Seasonal Start Dates

FALL – AUGUST 15, 2024

Roster Due Dates

SPRING – MARCH 7, 2025

Add-a-Sport Requests Due

FALL – OCTOBER 25, 2024
SPRING – MAY 2, 2025

Student Leadership Day:

Monday, October 7, 2024 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. at Notre Dame of Maryland University led by Johns Hopkins great, Janine Tucker

New Athletic Director’s Orientation:

July 10, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. at Mount de Sales Academy

All-Conference Nominations Due

FH-Soccer and Volleyball Friday, October 25, 2024
Squash Friday, February 7, 2025
Basketball Friday, February 7, 2025
Badminton Friday, April 16, 2025
Softball and Lacrosse Friday, May 9, 2025
Tennis A and B At-Large Selections Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Tennis C At-Large Selections Friday, October 11, 2024
Track At-Large Selections Sunday, May 11, 2025

2025-2026 Projected Start Dates:

Fall: August 15, 2025
Winter: November 3, 2025
Spring: February 17, 2026

Athletic Director Meeting Dates

6:00 P.M. Tuesday, August 20, 2024 St. Paul’s School for Girls Campus
9:00 A.M. Tuesday, September 17, 2024 Zoom Meeting
9:00 A.M. Tuesday, October 8. 2024St. Paul’s School for Girls
8:00-Noon Mon, November 11, 2024Athletic Director Breakfast Meeting
9:00 A.M. Tuesday, December 10, 2024 Zoom Meeting and Round Tables
Noon Tuesday, December 10, 2024Holiday Luncheon
Friday, December 13-17, 202455th Annual NIAAA Athletic Director Conference - Austin, TX
9:00 A.M. Tuesday, January 14, 2025 Zoom Meeting, if needed
9:00 A.M. Tuesday, February 11, 2025 St. Paul’s School for Girls Campus
9:00 A.M. Tuesday, March 11 Zoom meeting
9:00 A.M. Tuesday, April 8, 2025Zoom Check-in Meeting
9:00 A.M. Tuesday, May 6, 2025Severn School Athletic Center
11:30 A.M. Wednesday, May 27, 2025 End of Year Meeting at St. Paul’s

Heads of School Meeting Dates

FallWednesday, October 23, 20249:00 a.m.Gerstell Academy
WinterWednesday, March 26, 20259:00 a.m.Gerstell Academy
SpringWednesday, May 7, 20259:00 a.m.Gerstell Academy

Pre-Season Meeting Dates


FallMonday, August 12, 20247:00 P.M.
WinterMonday, October 21, 20247:00 P.M.
SpringMonday, February 3, 20257:00 P.M.

League Leadership

General Council

All Heads of School

Board of Governors

John Polasko, Chair Gerstell Academy
At Large Members
Chris Hughes Garrison Forest School
Sister Patricia McCarron Notre Dame Prep
Carl Patton John Carroll School
Dave Farace McDonogh School

General Assembly

All Athletic Directors
Erin Howland, President St. Paul’s School for Girls
Fredrica Newman, Vice President Indian Creek School
At Large Members
Jon Mellinger Archbishop Spalding High School
Steve Powers Notre Dame Prep
Eric Dummann Mount de Sales Academy

Executive Director

Susan Thompson

Index of Member Schools




Annapolis Area Christian109 Burns Crossing Road, Severn, MD 21144410-519-5300410-551-0907 Fax
Archbishop Spalding8080 New Cut Road, Severn, MD 21144410-969-9105410-969-1026 Fax
Beth Tfiloh3300 Old Court Road, Pikesville, MD 21208410-486-8991410-653-7224 Fax
Bryn Mawr109 W. Melrose Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21210410-323-8800410-323-7236 Fax
Catholic High2800 Edison Highway, Baltimore, MD 21212410-732-6200410-732-7639 Fax
Chapelgate Christian2600 Marriottsville Road, Marriottsville, MD 21104-1610410-442-5888443-419-3831 Fax
Concordia Prep1145 Concordia Drive, Towson, MD 21286410-825-2323410-825-2506 Fax
Friends5114 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21210410-649-3200410-649-3231 Fax
Garrison Forest300 Garrison Forest Road, Owings Mills, MD 21117410-363-1500
Gerstell Academy2500 Old Westminster Pike, Finksburg, MD 21048410-861-3000410-861-8730 Fax
Glenelg Country12793 Folly Quarter Road, Ellicott City, MD 21042410-531-8600410-531-7361 Fax
Indian Creek1130 Anne Chambers Way, Crownsville, MD 21032410-849-5151410-841-2623 Fax
John Carroll703 E Churchville Rd Bel Air MD, 21014(410)-838-8333(410)-836-8514 Fax
Key School534 Hillsmere Drive, Annapolis, MD 21403410-263-9231410-280-5518 Fax
Maryvale Prep11300 Falls Road, Lutherville, MD 21093410-252-3366410-308-1497 Fax
McDonogh8600 McDonogh Road, P. O. Box 380, Owings Mills, MD 21117-0380410-363-0600410-356-0155 Fax
Mercy300 E. Northern Parkway, Baltimore, MD 21239410-433-8880
Mount de Sales700 Academy Road, Baltimore, MD 21228410-744-8498410-869-8768 Fax
Notre Dame Prep815 Hampton Lane, Baltimore, MD 21286410-825-6202410-825-6203 Fax
Our Lady of Mt Carmel1706 Old Eastern Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21221410-686-1023410-686-2361 Fax
Park School2425 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208410-339-7070410-339-4125 Fax
Roland Park Country School5204 Roland Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21210410-323-5500443-573-2024 Fax
Severn School201 Water Street, Severna Park, MD 21146410-647-7700410-544-9451 Fax
St. Frances Academy501 E. Chase Street, Baltimore, MD 21202410-539-5794410-685-2650 Fax
St. John’s Catholic Prep3989 Buckeystown Pike P. O. Box 909, Buckeystown, MD 21717301-662-4210301-892-6877 Fax
St. Mary’s High School113 Duke of Gloucester St., Annapolis, MD 21401410-263-3294410-263-3020 Fax
St. Paul’s School11232 Falls Road, Brooklandville, MD 21022410-823-6323410-828-7238 Fax
St. Timothy’s8400 Greenspring Avenue, Stevenson, MD 21153410-486-7400410-484-5910 Fax
St. Vincent Pallotti113 St. Mary’s Place, Laurel, MD 20707301-725-3228



Annapolis Area Christian SchoolHead of SchoolChad Dirksecdirkse@aacsonline.org
Annapolis Area Christian SchoolAssistantKaryn Butlerkbutler@aacsonline.orgW: 410-519-5300 x2104
Annapolis Area Christian SchoolAthletic DirectorJosiah Wolfjwolf@aacsonline.orgW: 410-846-3633C: 410-703-3539
Annapolis Area Christian SchoolAssistantAmy Sproulasproul@aacsonline.orgW: 410-519-5300 x3110
Annapolis Area Christian SchoolAthletic TrainerDana Emrich (PT)demrich@aacsonline.orgW: 410-519-5300 x3777C: 443-286-8252
Archbishop Spalding High SchoolHead of SchoolBrian Kohlerkohlerb@spaldinghs.org
Archbishop Spalding High SchoolAthletic DirectorJon Mellingermellingerj@spaldinghs.orgW: 410-969-9106 x1216C: 908-892-8832
Archbishop Spalding High SchoolAssistant ADDemetri Rosetterosetted@spaldinghs.org
Archbishop Spalding High SchoolAssistantLindsey Millermillerl@spaldinghs.orgW: 410-969-9105 x1327
Archbishop Spalding High SchoolAthletic TrainerKelley Crowecrowek@spaldinghs.orgW: 410-969-9105 x1250C: 774-239-6398
Archbishop Spalding High SchoolAthletic TrainerJenna Piersonpiersonj@spaldinghs.org
Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community SchoolHead of SchoolZipora Schorrzschorr@btfiloh.org
Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community SchoolAthletic DirectorStacy Fuldsfuld@btfiloh.orgW: 410-413-2327
Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community SchoolAssociate ADAlexa Eckleyaeckley@btfiloh.orgW: 410-413-2409C: 410-905-4703
Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community SchoolAthletic TrainerKayla Clemons (FT)kclemo33@gmail.comC: 443-605-2759
Bryn Mawr SchoolHead of SchoolSue Sadlersadlers@brynmawrschool.org410-323-8800
Bryn Mawr SchoolAssistantFrancie Apollonyapollonyf@brynmawrschool.orgW: 410-323-8800
Bryn Mawr SchoolAthletic DirectorTina Veprekveprekc@brynmawrschool.orgW: 410-323-8800 x1340C: 410-800-8064
Bryn Mawr SchoolAssistant ADMolly Wolfwolfm@brynmawrschool.orgW: 410-323-8800 x1245C: 443-240-1818
Bryn Mawr SchoolAssistantStacy Watson (game verifications)watsonst@brynmawrschool.orgW: 410-323-8800C: 410-935-6265
Bryn Mawr SchoolAthletic TrainerEva MartinezW: 410-323-8800C: 989-980-7065
The Catholic High SchoolHead of SchoolBarbara Nazelrodbnazelrod@thecatholichighschool.orgW: 410-73-6200 X1218
The Catholic High SchoolAthletic DirectorKari McBridekmcbride@thecatholichighschool.orgW: 410-732-6200 x1225C: 410-598-9338
The Catholic High SchoolAthletic TrainerNya Dobbsndobbs@thecatholichighschool.orgW: 973-997-9236
Chapelgate Christian AcademyHead of SchoolMelissaBarrettmbarrett@chapelgateacademy.org
Chapelgate Christian AcademyAssistantMinnette Parhammparham@chapelgateacademy.orgW: 410-442-5888
Chapelgate Christian AcademyAthletic DirectorKen Krabitzkkrabitz@chapelgateacademy.orgW: 410-442-5888 x129C: 443-465-9410
Chapelgate Christian AcademyAssistant AD and Athletic TrainerWilliam NeedumC: 443-769-4404
Concordia Preparatory SchoolHead of SchoolBrent Johnsonbrentjohnson@concordiaprepschool.orgW: 410-825-2323 x228
Concordia Preparatory SchoolAssistant PrincipalSara Welinskysarawelinsky@concordiaprepschool.orgW: 410-825-2323 x225
Concordia Preparatory SchoolAthletic DirectorJenna Kingjennaking@concordiaprepschool.orgW: 410.825.2323 x241C: 443.608.4795
Concordia Preparatory SchoolAssistant ADDonnell Browndonnellbrown@concordiaprepschool.org
Concordia Preparatory SchoolAthletic TrainerJames Petersjamespeters@concordiaprepschool.org
Friends SchoolHead of SchoolChristian Donovancdonovan@friendsbalt.org
Friends SchoolAssistantKatherine LandonKlandon@friendsbalt.orgW: 410-649-3250
Friends SchoolAthletic DirectorKara Carlinkcarlin@friendsbalt.orgW: 410-649-3212C: 410-812-7857
Friends SchoolAssoc. ADAnne McGintyamcginty@friendsbalt.orgW: 410-649-3231
Friends SchoolAsst. AD/SIDKen Zaliskzalis@friendsbalt.orgW: 410-649-3232
Friends SchoolAthletic TrainerLiz Vaughtevaught@friendsbalt.orgW: 410-649-3315C: 410-971-3299
Friends SchoolAthletic TrainerGina Misuracagmisuraca@friendsbalt.orgW: 410-649-3315C: 443-846-4071
Garrison Forest SchoolHead of SchoolChris Hugheschrishughes@gfs.org
Garrison Forest SchoolAssistantVanessa Griffinvanessagriffin@gfs.orgW: 410-363-1500
Garrison Forest SchoolAthletic DirectorJessy Morganjessymorgan@gfs.orgW: 410-559-3440C: 443-928-7896
Garrison Forest SchoolAssistant ADBarbara Doybarbaradoy@gfs.orgW: 410-559-3444C: 410-206-9157
Garrison Forest SchoolAssistant ADCourtney Connorcourtneyconnor@gfs.orgW: 410-559-3342
Garrison Forest SchoolAthletic TrainerLucia Espositoluciaesposito@gfs.orgW: 443-655-2625
Gerstell AcademyHead of SchoolJohn Polaskojpolasko@gerstell.org
Gerstell AcademyAssistantPaulette Wardpward@gerstell.orgW: 410-861-3000
Gerstell AcademyAthletic DirectorPhil Gilottepgilotte@gerstell.orgW: 410-861-4415C: 410-978-1583
Gerstell AcademyAssistant ADAJ Berryajberry@gerstell.orgW: 410-861-3000 x2148
Gerstell AcademyAthletic TrainerZach Rhotenzrhoten@gerstell.orgW: 410-861-3000 x2111C: 240-315-3455
Glenelg Country SchoolHead of SchoolMatt Walshmwalsh@glenelg.orgW: 410-531-7375C: 410-916-3376
Glenelg Country SchoolAssistantUyai Harperuharper@glenelg.orgW: 410-531-8600
Glenelg Country SchoolCo-Director of AthleticsJessica Dolanjdolan@glenelg.orgW: 410-531-7352C: 410-245-8798
Glenelg Country SchoolCo-Director of AthleticsJoey Sierzegajsierzega@glenelg.orgW: 410-531-7344C: 908-251-2173
Glenelg Country SchoolAthletic TrainerCarlos Negroncnegron@glenelg.orgW: 410-531-7365C: 609-364-9385
Indian Creek SchoolHead of SchoolBooth Kylebkyle@indiancreekschool.org
Indian Creek SchoolAssistantShannon Berrysberry@indiancreekschool.orgW: 410-849-5151
Indian Creek SchoolAthletic DirectorFredrica Newmanfnewman@indiancreekschool.orgW: 410.849-5151C: 301.503.6818
Indian Creek SchoolAssistant ADTodd Kerrtkerr@indiancreekschool.org
John Carroll SchoolHead of SchoolCarl Pattoncpatton@johncarroll.orgW: 667-315-4180
John Carroll SchoolAthletic DirectorSeth Goldbergsgoldberg@johncarroll.orgW: 667-315-4537C: 703-855-0038
John Carroll SchoolAdmin Assistant to AthleticsDawn Teeldteel@johncarroll.orgW: 443-371-8031
John Carroll SchoolAssistant ADLaura Seifertlseifert@johncarroll.orgC: 443-910-4987
John Carroll SchoolAssistant AD & Athletic TrainerErik Fabrizianiefabriziani@johncarroll.orgW: 667-315-4189C: 443-910-5782
John Carroll SchoolAssistant Athletic TrainerIsabella Graylgray@johncarroll.orgW: 667-315-4198C: 443-866-7417
Key SchoolHead of SchoolMatthew Nespolemnespole@keyschool.org
Key SchoolAssistantHelen Baxthbaxt@keyschool.orgW: 410-263-9231
Key SchoolAthletic DirectorBrian Boydbboyd@keyschool.orgC: 202-487-5733
Key SchoolAssistant AD & Athletic TrainerAlexis Martinamartin@keyschool.orgW: 410-263-9231 x 1216C: 301-904-3327
Maryvale Preparatory SchoolHead of SchoolMalika DeLanceyDeLanceyM@maryvale.com
Maryvale Preparatory SchoolAssistantTrisha Edmondsonedmondsont@maryvale.comW: 410-308-8501
Maryvale Preparatory SchoolAthletic DirectorTelia Marksmarkst@maryvale.comW: 410-308-8550C: 770-241-8498
Maryvale Preparatory SchoolAssistant ADBrian Reesereeseb@maryvale.com
Maryvale Preparatory SchoolAthletic TrainerKim Battagliabattagliak@maryvale.comW: 410-308-8610C: 740-228-2123
McDonogh SchoolHead of SchoolDave Faracedfarace@mcdonogh.org
McDonogh SchoolAssistantTricia Siegelbaumtsiegelbaum@mcdonogh.orgW: 410-363-0600
McDonogh SchoolAthletic DirectorMickey Deeganmdeegan@mcdonogh.orgW: 443-544-7141C: 443-324-2982
McDonogh SchoolAssistantGinger Gelstonggelston@mcdonogh.orgW: 443-544-7143
McDonogh SchoolAthletic TrainerJay Dillonjdillon@mcdonogh.orgW: 443-544-7147
McDonogh SchoolAthletic TrainerAshley Holmesaholmes@mcdonogh.orgW: 443-544-7149C: 301-399-0858
McDonogh SchoolAthletic TrainerJared Bravermanjbraverman@mcdonogh.orgW: 443-544-7148C: 410-967-6707
Mercy High SchoolHead of SchoolMary Beth Lennonmlennon@mercyhighschool.com
Mercy High SchoolAthletic DirectorNick Gillngill@mercyhighschool.comW: 410-433-8880 x211C: 443-421-6109
Mercy High SchoolAssistant ADGeorge PanageotouGPanageotou@mercyhighschool.comW: 410-433-8880 x211
Mercy High SchoolAthletic TrainerMaiya GibsonMGibson@mercyhighschool.comC: 410-499-2927
Mount de Sales AcademyHead of SchoolSister Mary Raymond Thyemdsaprincipal@mountdesales.org
Mount de Sales AcademyAssistantMarie Kromekemkromeke@mountdesales.orgW: 410-744-8498 x133
Mount de Sales AcademyAthletic DirectorEric Dummannedummann@mountdesales.orgW: 410-744-8498 x161C: 240-818-5295
Mount de Sales AcademyAssistant ADNate Guestnguest@mountdesales.orgW: 410-744-8498 x163
Mount de Sales AcademyAthletic TrainerCaitlyn Slingluffcaitlyn.slingluff@ascension.org
Notre Dame Preparatory SchoolHead of SchoolSr. Patricia McCarronmccarronp@notredameprep.com
Notre Dame Preparatory SchoolAssistantLori Ryanryanl@notredameprep.comW: 410-825-6202
Notre Dame Preparatory SchoolAthletic DirectorSteve Powerspowerss@notredameprep.comW: 443-921-2797C: 410-905-2189
Notre Dame Preparatory SchoolAssistant ADCynthia Walshwalshc@notredameprep.comW: 410-825-6202 X1602C: 410-419-3032
Notre Dame Preparatory SchoolAthletic TrainerAlanna Kazmierskikazmierskia@notredameprep.comC: 410-977–7959
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel High SchoolPresidentMindi Imesmimes@olmcmd.org410-238-1180
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel High SchoolChief of StaffChrissy Hedglinchedglin@olmcmd.orgW: 410-686-1164
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel High SchoolAthletic DirectorJesse Thomasjthomas@olmcmd.orgW: 410.686.1023C: 443.935.8496
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel High SchoolAssistant ADTrevor Walkertwalker@olmcmd.org
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel High SchoolAssistant ADMike Nauntonmnaunton@olmcmd.orgW: 410-238-1176
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel High SchoolAthletic TrainerShawn Farmersfarmer@olmcmd.orgW: 410-238-1181C: 410-322-0012
Park SchoolHead of SchoolDan Paradisdparadis@parkschool.netW: 410-339-4159
Park SchoolAssistantKathyrn Goldbergkgoldberg@parkschool.netW: 410-339-4159
Park SchoolAthletic DirectorRobin Lowerlowe@parkschool.netW: 410-339-4150C: 443-415-7964
Park SchoolAthletic TrainerDan Lopezdlopez@parkschool.netW: 410-339-4179C: 443-992-1976
Roland Park Country SchoolHead of SchoolJoan SmithSmithJo@RPCS.org
Roland Park Country SchoolAssistantCatie Makowskemakowskec@rpcs.orgW: 410-323-5500 x3056
Roland Park Country SchoolCo-Athletic DirectorScott Buckleybuckleys@rpcs.orgW: 443-339-2143C: 410-299-5005
Roland Park Country SchoolCo-Athletic DirectorDani Steinbachsteinbachd@rpcs.orgW: 410-323-5509C: 443-506-6773
Roland Park Country SchoolAssistant ADAngela Palmeripalmeria@rpcs.orgW: 410-323-5500 x3075C: 410-371-1107
Roland Park Country SchoolAthletic TrainerErin FreyFreyE@rcps.orgC: 301-787-3490
Severn SchoolHead of SchoolDoug Lagarded.lagarde@severnschool.com
Severn SchoolAssistantAngela Hysana.hysan@severnschool.comW: 410-647-7700
Severn SchoolAthletic DirectorJulian Domenechj.domenech@severnschool.comW: 410-647-7701 x2284C: 704-984-0611
Severn SchoolAssistant ADErin DeFalcoe.defalco@severnschool.comW: 410-647-7701 x2288
Severn SchoolAthletic TrainerMichelle Andersonm.anderson@severnschool.comW: 410-647-7701 x2290C: 443-534-4133
Severn SchoolAthletic TrainerDan Mahoneyd.mahoney@severnschool.comW: 410-647-7701 x2341
St. Frances AcademyHead of SchoolDr. Curtis Turnercurtis.turner@sfacademy.org
St. Frances AcademyAssociate Head of SchoolMelissa A. D'Adamomelissa.d’adamo@sfacademy.org
St. Frances AcademyAssistantJasmine Jenningsjasmine.jennings@sfacademy.orgW :410-539-5794
St. Frances AcademyAthletic DirectorNick Mylesnicholas.myles@sfacademy.orgW: 410- 539-5794 x31C: 410-245-9302
St. Frances AcademyAssistant Athletic DirectorKirk Gaddy, JrW: 410.539.5794
St. Frances AcademyAthletic TrainerMichelle Daniels (FT)michelle.daniels@sfacademy.orgW: 410-539-5794C: 443-839-2625
St. John’s Catholic PrepHead of SchoolWill Knotekwknotek@saintjohnsprep.org
St. John’s Catholic PrepAssistantToni Edwardstedwards@saintjohnsprep.orgW: 301-662-4210
St. John’s Catholic PrepAthletic DirectorStuart Wilsonswilson@saintjohnsprep.orgW: 301.662.4210 x169C: 301-346-4471
St. John’s Catholic PrepAssistant ADShawn Rathmansrathman@saintjohnsprep.orgW: 301.662.4210 x156C: 301-606-0089
St. John’s Catholic PrepAthletic TrainerCarly ReepingCarly.reeping@saintjohnsprep.orgW: 301-662-4210 x165C: 410-952-2082
St. Mary’s High SchoolPrincipalMindi Imesmimes@stmarysannapolis.org
St. Mary’s High SchoolAssistantMonique Geigermgeiger@stmarysannapolis.orgW: 410-990-4217
St. Mary’s High SchoolAthletic DirectorThomas Smithtsmith@stmarysannapolis.orgW: 410-990-4231C: 410-212-3350
St. Mary’s High SchoolAssistantPatty Gateaupgateau@stmarysannapolis.orgW: 410-990-4234
St. Mary’s High SchoolAssistant ADJason Budronijbudroni@stmarysannapolis.orgW: 410-990-4230C: 202-497-7490
St. Mary’s High SchoolAthletic TrainerRyan Brownrbrown@stmarysannapolis.orgW: 410-990-4113C: 301-676-5101
St. Mary’s High SchoolAthletic TrainerKasey Kazimirkkazimir@stmarysannapolis.orgC: 443-534-4073
St. Paul’s School for GirlsHead of SchoolEreni Malfaemalfa@stpaulsmd.org
St. Paul’s School for GirlsAssistantCynthia Garlandcgarland@stpaulsmd.orgW: 410-823-6323
St. Paul’s School for GirlsAthletic DirectorErin Howlandehowland@stpaulsmd.orgW: 443-632-1095C: 410-967-6795
St. Paul’s School for GirlsAssistantSam Murraysammurray@stpaulsmd.orgW: 443-632-1153C: 443-253-3632
St. Paul’s School for GirlsAthletic TrainerRebecca Perryrperry@stpaulsmd.orgW: 443-632-1016C: 443-493-4493
St. Timothy’s SchoolHead of SchoolRandy Stevensrstevens@stt.org
St. Timothy’s SchoolAssistantLeslie Pohlmanlpohlman@stt.orgW: 410-486 7400
St. Timothy’s SchoolAthletic DirectorShanna Bradysbrady@stt.orgW: 410-486-7400 x3041C: 631-707-3103
St. Timothy’s SchoolAthletic TrainerSam Thompsonsamthomp@lifebridge.orgW: 667-219-6308C: 443-942-6805
St. Vincent Pallotti High SchoolHead of SchoolJeff Palumbojpalumbo@pallottihs.org
St. Vincent Pallotti High SchoolAssistantSharon Schmidtsschmidt@pallottihs.orgW: 301-725-3228 x2201
St. Vincent Pallotti High SchoolAthletic DirectorPatrick Courtemanchepcourtemanche@pallottihs.orgW: 301.725.3228 x2250C: 301.367.9241
St. Vincent Pallotti High SchoolAssistantAneisha Feltonafelton@pallottihs.orgW: 301-725-3228 x2241C: 757-513-4200
St. Vincent Pallotti High SchoolAssistant ADStephanie Guzzosguzzo@pallottihs.orgW: 301-725-3228 x2240C: 603-660-1901


BBOWS: Baltimore Board of Women’s Sports
CASRA: Capital Area Soccer Referees Association
MASO: Maryland Association of Softball Officials
MOC: Maryland Officials’ Club

BasketballBBOWSJanet Smith janetsmith4@outlook.com 3305 Pritchett Lane
Fallston, MD 21047
C: 410-596-1708
Fran Trumbo mtrum4@aol.com 5700 Mineral Hill Road Eldersburg, MD 21784
C: 410-596-0245
Field HockeyBBOWSFran Trumbo mtrum4@aol.com 5700 Mineral Hill Road Eldersburg, MD 21784Fran Trumbo mtrum4@aol.com 5700 Mineral Hill Road Eldersburg, MD 21784
LacrosseBBOWSJanet Smith janetsmith4@outlook.com 3305 Pritchett Lane
Fallston, MD 21047
C: 410-596-1708
Fran Trumbo mtrum4@aol.com 5700 Mineral Hill Road Eldersburg, MD 21784
SoccerCASRAMissy Lambert

Mark Jennings
Erik Endler
SoftballMASOKathy Reed
4113 Westmeath Road
Baltimore, MD. 21236
H: 410-256-2492

Ron Adamski
(MASO Chairperson)
Jon Plavnick

Jack Westermeyer
(MASO Rules Interpreter)

SwimmingMOCMike Brown
16 Covert Court
Timonium, MD 21093
W: 410-661-1237
H: 410-252-4330
C: 410-456-7740
Deborah Swiss
4636 Shlenley Road
Baltimore, MD 21210
Track and Field MOCSteve Smith
8706 Maravoss Lane Baltimore, MD
C: 410-935-1219
Deborah Swiss
4636 Shlenley Road
Baltimore, MD 21210
Volleyball BBOWSJoseph Schmitz
30 Constantine Dr
Phoenix, Maryland 21131
Fran Trumbo mtrum4@aol.com 5700 Mineral Hill Road Eldersburg, MD 21784

Baltimore Board of Officials for Women’s Sports Game Fee Schedule for Non-Public Schools

SportVarsity w/2 OfficialsVarsity w/ 1 OfficialJV w/ 2 OfficialJV w/ 1 OfficialMiddle School Official
3 person $90.00
$138.00$78.00$1171 ref -$76.00
2 refs - $63.00
FH$92.00$138.00$78.00$1171 ref -$76.00
2 refs - $63.00
3 person $90.00
$138.00$78.00$1171 ref -$76.00
2 refs - $63.00
VB3/5 Match
3/5 Match
2/3 Match
2/3 Match
1 ref
2/3 Match
2 refs

Assigner’s Fees for all sports

Initial Assignment Fees:
1 level program $40.00
2 level programs $60.00
3 level programs $90.00

Levels are described as Varsity, JV, Middle School, etc

Assignment Fee Per Official:
Varsity – $10.00 per official
JV – $7.00 per official
Middle School – $7.00


  1. All fees listed are for each official.
  2. Fees may not be altered without the approval of the BBOWS office.
  3. Fees are subject to change on a yearly basis.
  4. Officials are to be paid for all contests, except for BBOWS sponsored play-days.
  5. Fees noted for games with one official are calculated at 1.5 times the regular game fee rate.
  6. All assignment fees are to be paid to the BBOWS Assigner for each sport. BBOWS will collect the BBOWS Assignment fee from each assigner at the end of the sport season.


Assigning. CASRA assigns through the ArbiterSports™ Web-based system. CASRA gives rights to coaches and athletic directors to sign into Arbiter, permitting them to see the games and the assignments. CASRA requests that schools check their schedules to make certain that they are correct, especially whenever a change to the schedule has been made.

Billing. CASRA will bill each individual School monthly during the season. Each bill will contain a complete listing of all contracted matches for the period covered, indicating the dates, locations, game level, and the fees and charges payable to CASRA. Payment shall be due within fifteen (15) days of the postmarked date of the bill. Billed amounts unpaid for more than thirty (30) days following the postmarked date of the bill shall be subject to a one and one-half percent (1.5%) late fee per month. A School shall have the right to withhold payment on an amount billed that is in dispute, but must pay any undisputed amount unless the amount in dispute exceeds 25% of the amount billed. The parties will attempt to resolve disputed amounts by good faith negotiation within twenty (20) days from the end of the Fall season.

CASRA Fee Schedule (Effective 2021. Fees updated 2021.)
1. Fees (applicable to all matches)
LevelOne OfficialTwo OfficialsThree Officials

2. For cancellation or changes to a match CASRA may charge the School $15, whether or not the match is
3. For shortened pre-season scrimmage and tournament matches, CASRA will consider reducing fees up to 25% — to be agreed upon in advance.

Maryland Association of Softball Officials 2025 Softball Fees

MASO shall provide softball game officials as follows:
Varsity: Two umpires, three umpires upon request and if sufficient umpires are available.
Junior Varsity: Two umpires
Middle School: One umpire
Playoffs and Championship (A, B, and C conferences): Three umpires

Official’s Fees

Varsity with one umpires: $139.50
Varsity with two umpires: $93 each
Varsity with three umpires: $90 each
Junior Varsity with one umpire: $121.50
Junior Varsity with two umpires: $81 each
Middle School with one umpire: $78


Officials are to be paid for all contests including conference, non-conference, and scrimmage.
Scheduled Days to Play:
2024: Tues/Thur
2025: Wed/Fri

Assigner’s Fees

Initial Set Up Fee: $40 per school
Varsity Assignment: $10 per assignment
Junior Varsity and Middle School Assignments: $8 per assignment

Maryland officials club fees 2024-2025

Varsity Official $103
Varsity Official (3 schools) $139
JV & Middle School Official $75
Assigner Administrative Fee $75
Varsity Assignment Fee $8
Undersquad Assignment Fee $6
Middle School Assignment Fee $5

Dual/Group Meets:

2 Dual Meets (2 Boys/2 Girls)  $139/ea
Tri-Meets (5 or 6 teams – schools or V/JV)  $157/ea 
Quad Meets (4 schools / 7 or 8 teams) (3 officials recommended for Quad meets)  $175/ea
IAAM A/B Championship Meet Session  $135/ea
IAAM C Championship Meet Session  $115 /ea

League-wide Concussion Management Plan

Schools within the IAAM shall have a Concussion Management Plan on file to address student-athletes who exhibit signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion and shall be removed from practice or competition and evaluated by an athletics healthcare provider with experience in the evaluation and management of concussion.

Student-athletes suspected with a concussion shall not return to activity for the remainder of that day. Further evaluation by a Certified Athletic Trainer or physician will be needed to determine the extent of the head injury. Medical clearance shall be determined by the school, team, or treating physician, and/or athletics healthcare provider.

The IAAM recommends requiring student-athletes and their parent to accept responsibility for reporting their injuries and illnesses, including signs and symptoms of concussions, to institutional medical staff. Schools are advised to have a strong educational program in place to address the dangers of playing and participating in athletics with concussions. Administrators, faculty, athletic staff, coaches, parents, and student-athletes should be required to participate in these educational programs. (Adopted May 2011.)


Schools within the IAAM shall have a Heat Acclimatization and Hydration Plan on file to address proper heat acclimatization as part of their Fall Preseason Practice Period. This Plan should be created and agreed upon by the Head of School, Athletic Director and the Certified Athletic Trainer and reviewed by the school’s legal counsel. There are several resources available for schools and staff, please contact the IAAM League office for further assistance. (Adopted by the Heads of School on May 15, 2013.)

IAAM Transgender POLICY

Our diverse 29 Member Schools of the IAAM share a common commitment to athletics as a key component of the educational process. We believe that athletic participation is essential to students’ physical, intellectual, social, emotional, and character development and, accordingly, we seek to allow and encourage all the students in our schools to benefit from these experiences.

The IAAM respects and acknowledges that, guided by its mission and its leadership, each member school must develop its own unique policies on athletic participation for the students under its care. On a league-wide basis, the IAAM’s policy permits students’ athletic participation in a manner that is consistent with their gender identity and that affords these students the privacy and confidentiality that all students expect from educational institutions. The school shall certify the student’s status to the IAAM by including them on the Official IAAM Team roster.

It is always the league’s expectation that all student-athletes be met with the highest degree of respect
and hospitality.

The character coin

Premise: The IAAM strongly believes that there is more to the game than just winning. There is more to learn, more to experience and more to enjoy when winning is not the sole focus in high school athletics.

IAAM Ideals: Since our inception, in 1999, the IAAM has embraced the highest ideals of fair play, integrity and respect.

The Character Coin: In an effort to put our beliefs into action, The IAAM has launched, in the Fall of 2016, The Character Coin.

Implementation: At the beginning of each season, each Varsity Head Coach will receive two IAAM Character Coins. The coach will have the opportunity to present a Character Coin to two opponents during the season, who display significant elements of fair play, integrity and respect. The Coach (or player) wishing to present a Character Coin to an opposing varsity player will inform the opponent’s Head Coach of this request after the contest. The opposing coach and the player will step forward as the “presenting” coach (and players) makes the presentation to the recipient of the IAAM Character Coin.

We Respect the Game and Each Other.
We embrace the highest ideals of fair play,

integrity and respect. We are the IAAM.

Rules and Regulations

The purpose of this organization is to provide structured and organized support for interscholastic competition for female students at member schools. To achieve this, it is the intention of this association to regard athletics and competition in the context of the educational process. The educational objectives of athletics in the IAAM include the promotion of the physical, mental, moral, social and emotional well-being for all students. The IAAM embraces the highest ideals of fair play, integrity, dignified and ethical conduct and respect for self, opponents, and officials.

The Interscholastic Athletic Association of Maryland values the diversity of its member schools and respects the unique qualities amongst these institutions. References to the IAAM’s Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws or rules shall mean the IAAM’s Articles of Incorporation, By-laws and rules as they may be amended from time to time.


It is expected that athletic program staff be an extension of their school’s philosophy and objectives. A good example will be set through behavior, attitude, and self-control in an educational setting. As we, the Interscholastic Athletic Association of Maryland, expect sportsmanlike behavior from our schools’ athletic program staff, we also expect that of our participants and spectators. We are playing in the spirit of the game, and winning is not our only goal.


1. Purpose – The purpose of the eligibility rules contained herein is to uphold the objectives and standards of this Association and to provide equitable competition for the student-athletes of the member schools.

2. Eligible Students – Commencing with the date of enrollment at a member school, a full-time student, who is in good standing according to the policies of the particular member school and subject to the other limitations herein prescribed, is eligible to participate in league competitions in the IAAM. Students are considered full time and part of the school community when they take the majority of their academic classes on campus within their school, during the traditional school year. Foreign-exchange athletes who practice and play on high school teams MUST meet the criteria established by the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET) and comply with the MPSSAA’s Standards of Competition.

3. Amateur Status – To be eligible to participate in contests of the IAAM, a student must be an amateur. As such, she may not receive, directly or indirectly, any salary, stipend, incentive, payment, financial award, gratuity, gift, educational expenses or expense allowance as a result of participation in any sport or sports team. To preserve students’ eligibility for college athletics, IAAM athletes are required to adhere to the policies for avoiding “professionalism” as defined by the NCAA.

4. Age Limitation – A student who has attained her 19th birthday before August 31 of a given academic year is not eligible to participate.

5. Limits of Participation

a. High School team members may participate in interscholastic athletic contests in a maximum of four seasons in any given sport within the 9th through 12th grades.
b. A student who has graduated from a domestic secondary education program is not eligible to participate.
c. A student may participate in two IAAM sanctioned sports per season. Written notification must be sent to the Executive Director prior to the submission of rosters for approval and tracking purposes.
d. Middle School students may not participate on junior varsity or varsity teams.

6. Migration between squad levels – Students are permitted to migrate between the varsity and junior varsity level as well as between the junior varsity and freshman squad level. Migration is intended primarily for the support of numerical make-up for JV and freshman squads; however, IAAM schools may utilize migration for the benefit of player development. Member schools should adhere to the following guidelines:

a. Member schools are permitted to designate up to six athletes for field and court sports (field hockey, lacrosse, soccer, softball, volleyball, and basketball) as athletes eligible to migrate. These athletes will be designated as “swing players.”
b. Member school must identify the swing players on the Official IAAM roster form. Rosters will be submitted to the league by the date provided. Swing players may be added throughout the season but may not exceed the stated limit of six.
c. Swing players should be listed on varsity rosters (eligible to play in JV games) and JV rosters (eligible to play on freshman squad games).
d. Swing players may play in up to 1.5 games in any given day. Any part of a quarter or a half will constitute full participation in the quarter or half. Further, swing players are not bound by game limits as set forth by the IAAM.
e. Infractions by member schools regarding the use of swing players will result in forfeiture for that contest date at the varsity, JV and/or freshman level.

Extenuating circumstance – In certain circumstances, swing players may participate in two contests on the same day. These circumstances may include a goalkeeper in soccer, field hockey or lacrosse or a pitcher in softball. These athletes must be rostered as designated swing players and advance communication should be provided to the sport chair and league commissioner

7. Transfer Students (Adopted May 2008, amended May 2011*) – Definition of a Transfer Student: A transfer student is one who changes enrollment from one school to another after high school matriculation.

Academic Year Transfer: A student-athlete may not represent two schools in athletics in the same academic year regardless of the competitive level she has participated. Therefore, any student transferring during the academic year is not eligible to participate in interscholastic athletics, at any level, during that academic year if she has participated in athletics at any level at her previous school. (“Participated” refers to physical entry into a bona fide school-sanctioned athletic contest.)

*The only exceptions to this transfer policy are (a) if a student were to change their primary residence; a change in primary residence means a move of more than 30 miles from their present residence (would include Out-of-State Boarding student) or (b) if a student’s present school eliminates the athletic program in which she is participating.

Open Enrollment Period: An Open Enrollment Period will be offered for member and non-member student-athletes. From June 1 through September 1, student athletes transferring from any member or non-member school, may transfer to and participate in interscholastic athletics, at any level, without penalty.

To qualify under this guideline, all appropriate paperwork must be completed and the enrollment contract deposit must be paid on or before September 1. The IAAM reserves the right to request copies of any enrollment contract.
The student-athlete must physically be attending classes on the first day of fall classes or by September 1, whichever is later. If the opening of the member school is after September 1, the required paperwork and deposit must be complete on or before the September 1st date.

Any student transferring from member to member school must have satisfied all financial obligations at
the previous school before participating in any interscholastic athletics, games or practices.

8. Rosters – Member Schools must submit an Official IAAM Roster form for all varsity and junior varsity teams by the dates provided by the League. Any changes to the Official League Roster must be submitted in the form of an amended roster as soon as the change occurs. Member schools must identify the swing players on the Official IAAM Roster Form by the date provided by the league. Non-rostered players may not be added after the school’s final regular season contest. Extenuating circumstances after this date may be considered.


In conformity with the purpose and spirit of this Association, the following principles govern the manner
in which member schools influence and encourage a student to become affiliated with a school:

1. No school, through any of its officers, representative or by any other means, shall directly or indirectly offer inducement to a student of any school, regardless of the student’s age or academic grade, to terminate enrollment at said school and migrate to another for athletic purposes.

2. It is considered appropriate for a school’s admissions department to provide a student information about its school; however, coaches and other members of a school’s athletic department are prohibited from contacting or communicating with a student or the student’s parents/guardians until such time as an inquiry regarding the student’s possible admission to the school has been initiated by the student’s parent/guardian through the admissions department. This policy does not preclude attendance by coaches or member school representatives to non-high school athletic events for the purpose of screening prospective student athletes. On the occasion that a prospective student athlete or her parents seek information from a member school’s representative attending a non-high school event, the school’s representative may answer preliminary questions about the member school. The school’s representative should indicate to the prospective student athlete and her parents that further contact by an athletic department representative cannot be made until the admissions department at the member school is contacted by the parents.

3. IAAM schools may not initiate contact or “recruit” middle school students who are enrolled in other IAAM schools, while the students are representing their IAAM school.

4. Athletes being recruited to member school teams, who have not yet officially attended a day of class and regardless of age or grade, may not practice or participate with a member school team during the regular season. Additionally, they may not participate in any out of season practice or game which primarily involves players from the member school’s team. This does not apply to incoming 9th grade or transfer students who have signed enrollment contracts and are trying out for a fall team.


1. Out of Season Practice Policy

a. Establishment of a Start Date and Season End date: The IAAM will adhere to a designated Start Date for all sport seasons. This date will be the earliest date which will allow for tryouts, player evaluations, practices and interscholastic contests to occur. At the end of each season, a league Championship will take place. This final contest will mark the formal ending to a particular sport season. All competitions beyond the championship date must receive approval from the Executive Director.

b. Blackout Period: One week prior to the start date and two weeks after the Championship game will be considered a blackout period where player – coach workout contact is not allowed. (Exceptions to the contact rule would include post season meetings, team parties, and award ceremonies)

SeasonPreseason Blackout Period beginsStart Date
FallAugust 8, 2024August 15, 2024
WinterOctober 28, 2024November 4, 2024
SpringFebruary 11, 2024February 18, 2025

c. Out of Season Contact: School year contact (August 8 through May 31) which occurs before the start date or after the end date of the sport season (excluding blackout period) will allow for up to three hours of coaching contact, per sport, per week. This time limit is cumulative for all coaches per sport. Coaching contact will include any team meetings, film sessions, skill and drill-oriented instruction, open gyms, and rec team games/tournaments. Weight training/conditioning is not included in this three-hour limitation. This rule still applies when the sport is played in a different structure than the IAAM sport (i.e., indoor lacrosse, futsal, 3v3 basketball, etc.). In addition, the use of school issued uniforms and the payment of associated fees, by the school, for out of season activities is prohibited.
d. Summer Activity: June 1, 2025 through August 8, 2025 will constitute the summer. This is considered an open period.
e. Club/AAU/Travel Teams: IAAM coaches who also coach team sports at the Club/AAU/Travel level may not exceed the following number of players on their roster from the school where they coach: Field hockey=9, soccer=9, volleyball=5, basketball=4, lacrosse=10, softball=8. IAAM coaches who also coach individual sports at the Club/AAU/Travel level may work with up to 80% of the previous season’s submitted IAAM varsity roster. The “Out of Season Contact” rule does not apply to IAAM coaches who are coaching Club/AAU/Travel teams.

f. Restrictions: Any interaction by an IAAM coach with his / her players involving “out of season” contact may not be considered as a mandatory activity nor should it discourage
multi-sport participation by the athletes. It is the intent of this policy not to prevent
coaches from working with their athletes, but rather, to protect the athletes that the
coaches work with.

2. Game Limitations:
Each sport is allowed the following number of contests per season:

Field Hockey: 18 games
Tennis: 18 matches
Volleyball: 18 matches
Cross Country: 18 meets
Soccer: 18 games
Basketball: 22 games
Indoor Track: 18 meets
Swimming: 18 meets
Lacrosse: 18 games
Softball: 18 games
Badminton: 18 matches
Track: 18 meets
Golf: 18 matches

Each sport is allowed the following, in addition to the number of designated games:

    • Three scrimmage dates. A “scrimmage date” may involve (but is not limited to) several games i.e. play- day, one 5-day trip would equal two scrimmage dates (i.e. Spring break lacrosse trip). In a scrimmage, scores are not kept or reported by the member schools to the newspaper;
    • Two in-season tournaments,(i.e. Christmas basketball tournament);
    • The end-of-season Championship tournament;
    • Teams may opt to “mix and match” their scrimmages with their game schedule, never to exceed the agreed upon number of contests.

3. Videotaping
Schools, or their representatives, may videotape games, meets and matches; however the videotaping of opponent’s practices or scrimmages is a violation of IAAM policy. Infractions should be reported to the League’s Executive Director. (May 9, 2017)


A member school may not arbitrarily, intentionally, and unilaterally forfeit a scheduled competition with another member school. It is the competence of the Executive Director to determine the arbitrary or intentional nature of forfeiture.


1. Eligibility Violations – A member school’s deliberate or inadvertent violation of the conditions of a student athlete’s eligibility will result in the forfeiture of all contests in which the ineligible student athlete participated. The Executive Director, upon the Executive Director’s own initiative or upon any member school’s initiative, will determine the eligibility status of a student athlete.

2. Membership Sanctions

  1. If a member school violates the terms of the IAAM’s Articles of Incorporation, By-laws or rules, the Board of Governors may impose one or more of the following sanctions upon such member school: (i) expulsion from the IAAM; (ii) suspension from the IAAM; (iii) probation; (iv) forfeiture of certain contests; or (v) reprimand.
  2. If a member school violates the terms of the IAAM’s Articles of Incorporation, By-laws or rules, the Board of Governors may impose one or more of the following sanctions upon an individual team of a member school: (i) suspension from the IAAM; (ii) probation; (iii) forfeiture of certain contests; or (iv) reprimand.
  3. Before imposing any sanction set forth in clauses (a) or (b) of this Section 2, the Board of Governors must approve the sanctions by an affirmative majority vote of those members voting. The Board of Governors shall consider the following factors when determining the level of sanctions to impose upon a member school or individual team of a member school: (i) the nature of the violation; (ii) whether the violation was deliberate; (iii) whether violations were repeated; (iv) whether the member school or the individual team of the member school has previously violated the IAAM’s Articles of Incorporation, By- laws or rules or breached any agreement with the IAAM; (v) whether the member school or individual team of the member school reported its violation to the IAAM; (vi) whether the member school or individual team of the member school was cooperative with the IAAM in investigating its violation; and (vii) whether the member school or individual team of a member school imposed its own sanctions.

3. Expulsion – A member school may be expelled from participation in the IAAM for serious, deliberate or repeated violations of the terms of the IAAM’s Articles of Incorporation, By-laws or rules.

4. Suspension

a. A member school or an individual team of a member school may be suspended from participation in the IAAM for:

1) Non-payment of dues;
2) Unsportsmanlike conduct on the part of the athletic director, coaches or student athletes;
3) Playing in a game or contest against a suspended member school or a suspended
individual team of a member school;
4) Violation of the rules governing recruitment of student athletes;
5) Granting of non-need based financial aid for athletics;
6) Additional violations during a term of probation;
7) Violations of the eligibility rules as set forth in Article One of these rules;
8) Such other violations of the IAAM’s Articles of Incorporation, By-laws and rules as the Board of Governors determines in its discretion.

b. Suspension from the IAAM shall be for a term of one-year commencing at the start of the next sports season. During the term of suspension any games in which the suspended member school or suspended individual team of a member school was already scheduled are forfeited to the opponent team; for a season not yet scheduled, the suspended member school or suspended individual team of a member school is omitted from the schedule.

5. Probation

a. A member school or individual team of a member school may be placed on probationary status for:

1) Non-payment of dues;
2) Unsportsmanlike conduct on the part of the athletic director, coaches or student athletes;
3) Playing in a game or contest against a suspended member school or a suspended
individual team of a member school;
4) Violation of the rules governing recruitment of student athletes;
5) Violations of the eligibility rules as set forth in Article One of these rules;
6) Such other violations of the IAAM’s Articles of Incorporation, By-laws and rules as the Board of Governors determines in its discretion.

b. A member school or individual team of a member school shall be placed on probationary status for a term of one-year commencing at the start of the next sports season. During the term of probation, the member school or individual team of a member school may play all scheduled games and be included in future schedules but shall be ineligible for championships or playoffs and such member school’s or individual team’s seeding shall be yielded to the next lowest team.

6. Forfeiture – A member school is automatically required to forfeit any game in which an ineligible or suspended player or coach participated. A member school may be required to forfeit a game in which a serious violation of the rules of the sport in question occurred and may be required to forfeit one or more games for such other violations of the IAAM’s Articles of Incorporation, By-laws and rules as the Board of Governors determines in its discretion.

7. Reprimand – The Board of Governors may also issue an official letter of reprimand to a member school or individual team of a member school for a violation of the IAAM’s Articles of Incorporation, By-laws and rules.

8. Sanctions by Agreement – As a supplement to the sanctions set forth above, the Executive Director shall have the discretion to consider and recommend to the Board of Governors such other or alternative sanctions as may be proposed by the applicable member school (“Agreement”) and the Board of Governors shall have the discretion to consider and approve or not approve any such proposed Agreement; provided that neither the Executive Director, nor the Board of Governors, shall be obligated to consider, negotiate, approve or enter into any Agreement. In the event that the IAAM and a member school shall enter into an Agreement, the member school’s failure to comply with the terms of the Agreement shall be deemed an independent violation of these rules.

9. Ejection Rule – Any player or coach who is ejected for any reason from a game or contest, is automatically suspended from participating in a minimum of one game or contest, commencing with the team’s next regularly scheduled game or contest. Individual member schools may impose heavier penalties. It is the responsibility of the Athletic Director to enforce this rule and to notify the Executive Director of the ejection and subsequent suspension.

10. Fines – Schools not represented or excused from any monthly general meetings could be liable for a fine of $100. Schools not represented by the proper administrator at the association’s business meetings will be fined $100. Schools whose coaches do not attend the preseason or end of season meetings will be fined $100. Schools who fail to submit varsity and junior varsity rosters within seven days of their due dates will be fined $100. (Note: If a completed roster is not submitted within 30-days of the original due date, that team(s) will not be eligible for post-season play). All-Conference nominees not submitted in the required time frame will be fined $25.


These Rules may be repealed, altered, amended, or rescinded in accordance with Section 2.03 of the IAAM’s By-laws.


“A” Conference“B” Conference“C” Conference
Archbishop SpaldingCatholic HighAnnapolis Area Christian
Bryn Mawr SchoolGarrison ForestBeth Tfiloh
Maryvale PrepGerstell AcademyConcordia Prep
McDonogh SchoolThe John Carroll SchoolFriends School
Mercy High SchoolPark SchoolGlenelg Country School
Mount de Sales AcademySt. Mary’s High SchoolKey School
Notre Dame PrepSt. Paul’s School for GirlsSt. John’s Catholic Prep
Roland Park Country SchoolSevern SchoolSt. Timothy’s
St. Vincent Pallotti

“A” Conference“B” Conference“C” Conference
Archbishop SpaldingThe John Carroll SchoolAnnapolis Area Christian
Bryn Mawr SchoolMcDonogh SchoolCatholic High
Garrison ForestMercy High SchoolFriends School
Maryvale PrepRoland Park Country SchoolGlenelg Country School
Mount de Sales AcademySt. Mary’s High SchoolIndian Creek School
Notre Dame PrepSevern SchoolPark School
St. Paul’s School for GirlsSt. Timothy’s

“A” Conference“B” Conference“C” Conference
Archbishop SpaldingBryn MawrAnnapolis Area Christian
The John Carroll SchoolConcordia PrepBeth Tfiloh
McDonogh SchoolFriends SchoolCatholic High
Mercy High SchoolGerstell AcademyChapelgate Christian
Notre Dame PrepMaryvale PrepGarrison Forest
Roland Park Country SchoolMount de Sales AcademyGlenelg Country School
St. Paul’s School for GirlsSevern SchoolIndian Creek School
St. Mary’s High SchoolKey School
St. Timothy’sOur Lady of Mount Carmel
Park School
St. John’s Catholic Prep
St. Vincent Pallotti

“A” Conference“B” ConferenceC" Conference
Bryn Mawr SchoolArchbishop SpaldingBeth Tfiloh
McDonogh SchoolGarrison ForestFriends School
Notre Dame PrepThe John Carroll SchoolGlenelg Country School
Roland Park Country SchoolMount de Sales AcademyMercy High School
St. Paul’s School for GirlsPark SchoolSt. Timothy’s
Severn School

“A” Conference“B” Conference“C” Conference
Annapolis Area ChristianBryn MawrBeth Tfiloh
Archbishop SpaldingCatholic HighConcordia Prep
Maryvale PrepChapelgate ChristianFriends School
McDonogh SchoolGarrison ForestGerstell Academy
Mercy High SchoolGlenelg Country SchoolIndian Creek School
Mount de Sales AcademyThe John Carroll SchoolKey School
Notre Dame PrepRoland Park Country SchoolOur Lady of Mount Carmel
St. John’s Catholic PrepSt. Mary’s High SchoolPark School
St. Paul’s School for GirlsSt. Vincent PallottiSt. Frances Academy
St. Timothy’s


"A" Conference"B" Conference"C" Conference
Archbishop SpaldingBryn Mawr SchoolAnnapolis Area Christian
McDonoghConcordia PrepBeth Tfiloh
Mercy High SchoolGarrison ForestCatholic High
Our Lady of Mount CarmelGerstell AcademyChapelgate Christian
Roland Park Country SchoolThe John Carroll SchoolFriends School
St. Frances AcademyMaryvale PrepGlenelg Country School
St. Mary’sMount de Sales AcademyIndian Creek
St. Timothy’sNotre Dame PrepPark School
St. Vincent PallottiSt. John’s Catholic Prep
St. Paul’s School for Girls
Severn School

"A" Conference"B" Conference
Archbishop SpaldingCatholic High
Bryn Mawr SchoolFriends School
Maryvale PrepGarrison Forest
McDonogh SchoolGlenelg Country
Mount de SalesThe John Carroll School
Notre Dame PrepKey School
Roland Park CountryMercy High School
St. Mary’s SchoolOur Lady of Mount Carmel
St. Frances Academy
St. John’s Catholic Prep
St. Paul’s School for Girls
St. Vincent Pallotti

A" Conference
Bryn Mawr
Garrison Forest
Notre Dame Prep
Roland Park Country
St. Paul’s School for Girls
St. Timothy’s

"A" Conference"B" Conference"C" Conference
Archbishop SpaldingThe John Carroll SchoolAnnapolis Area Christian
Bryn MawrMercy High SchoolBeth Tfiloh
McDonoghRoland Park Country SchoolCatholic High
Maryvale PrepSevern SchoolIndian Creek
Mount de SalesSt. Mary’s SchoolKey School
Notre Dame PrepSt. Paul’s School for GirlsSt. Timothy’s
St. Vincent Pallotti


Bryn Mawr School
Friends School
Garrison Forest
Glenelg Country School
The John Carroll School
Maryvale Prep
Notre Dame Prep
Roland Park Country School
St. Paul’s School for Girls
St. Timothy’s

“A” Conference“B” Conference
Archbishop SpaldingCatholic High
Bryn MawrGarrison Forest
McDonoghThe John Carroll School
Mount de SalesMaryvale
Roland Park CountryMercy
St. Paul’s School for GirlsNotre Dame Prep
St. Vincent Pallotti

“A” Conference“B” Conference“C” Conference
Archbishop SpaldingConcordia PrepAnnapolis Area Christian
Bryn Mawr SchoolGerstell AcademyBeth Tfiloh School
Garrison ForestIndian CreekThe Catholic High School
Glenelg Country SchoolMercy High SchoolChapelgate Christian
The John Carroll SchoolMount de SalesFriends School
Maryvale PrepPark SchoolKey School
McDonogh SchoolSt. John’s Catholic PrepSt. Vincent Pallotti
Notre Dame PrepSt. Timothy’s
Roland Park Country
St. Mary’s High School
St. Paul’s School for Girls
Severn School

“A” Conference“B” Conference“C” Conference
Archbishop SpaldingAnnapolis Area ChristianBeth Tfiloh School
The Catholic High SchoolMaryvale PrepBryn Mawr
The John Carroll SchoolNotre Dame PrepChapelgate Christian
McDonogh SchoolRoland Park Country SchoolConcordia Prep
Mercy High SchoolSt. John’s Catholic PrepFriends School
Mount de Sales AcademySt. Paul’s School for GirlsOur Lady of Mt Carmel
St. Timothy’sPark School
St. Vincent Pallotti

“A” Conference“B” Conference
Archbishop SpaldingAnnapolis Area Christian
Bryn MawrBeth Tfiloh
Maryvale PrepThe Catholic High School
McDonogh SchoolConcordia Prep
Mount de SalesGarrison Forest
Notre Dame PrepGlenelg Country School
Indian Creek
The John Carroll School
Mercy High School
Our Lady of Mt Carmel
Park School
Roland Park Country School
St. Frances Academy
St. John’s Catholic Prep
St. Mary’s High School
St. Paul’s School for Girls
St. Timothy’s
St. Vincent Pallotti
Severn School


The IAAM defines All-Conference Selections as a varsity athlete who has displayed a combination of exemplary skills, performance, and sportsmanship in that IAAM sport.

  1. Approximately two weeks before the end of the regular season an electronic form will be sent from the Executive Director to each participating Athletic Director and Head Coach.
  2. On this form, coaches are encouraged to select players from their own team who they feel should receive consideration as a Conference All-Conference. The number of nominations from any school will be limited to the number on the form. (5 for all team sports, except basketball, 4).
  3. Coaches will nominate their players by name, position and number. There will be a short space for comments for each individual nominee. Coaches may choose to briefly state reasons why an individual player should be considered. Nomination should be (or is) based solely on the players’ conference/interscholastic play/ performance.
  4. Players who are not on the “league issued” ballot are not eligible for the IAAM All-Conference Team.
  5. Nomination forms must be emailed by the due dates listed above from the school’s Athletic Director to the League’s Executive Director no later than the indicated due date. If a school has no candidates, nomination forms still must be submitted.
  6. Schools who fail to submit their nominations or ballots in the required time frame will not be eligible for consideration.
  7. A composite of the nominees will be created and a ballot will be sent back to the coaches of each individual school. Coaches may not vote for their own players on these ballots.
  8. All-Conference Selections will be chosen from these ballots. Team sports will reflect 1.5 times the number of starters for the sport (rounding “up” when necessary) with no sport having less than 10 All-Conferences.
  9. Coaches or a School Representative should be present to attend the post-season meeting and to take the opportunity to speak about each of the school’s nominations before coaches vote however schools will have until 10:00 a.m. the following morning to submit their ballots. There will be a $100.00 fine for those not in attendance at the post-season meetings.
  10. Each vote will count as one point per athlete. In the case of a tie between three or less athletes, those athletes will be selected as All-Conference. If four or more athletes are tied, there will be a re-vote with the names of the players who tied. The re-vote will continue until the tie is broken.
  11. All-Conference teams will be announced via email the days following the post season meeting.


Soccer – 17
Basketball – 10
Field Hockey – 17
Volleyball – 12
Softball – 14
Lacrosse – 18
Squash – 11
Badminton – Individual and Doubles Champions automatically make All-Conference
Tennis – Winners of flights would automatically make All-Conference and then 5 At-Large All-Conference


If a conference has less than 7 or greater than 11 teams the following adjustments will be made:
For each team less than 7: field sport loses 2 all conference selections and a court sports lose one. However, no sport should fall below 10 all conference players.
For each team greater than 11: Field sports gains 2 all conference selections and court sports gain one.


Cross Country – top ten finishers at Championships
Indoor Track – first place finisher in each event, first place relay teams at Championships, and five At-Large Selectees
Swimming – first place finisher in each event and first place relay teams at Championships
Golf – top six finishers at Championships
Outdoor Track and Field – first place finisher in each event, first place relay teams at Championships, and five At-Large Selectees


Team Sports:

  • Team Champions in each Conference receive the Conference Traveling Championship Bowl, a Championship Plaque and individual medals for each varsity player and coach.
  • Runner-Up Teams receive a Plaque.

Individual Awards:

  • Cross Country presents medals to the Top 10 finishers in each Conference.
  • Tennis presents medals to the champion and runner-up player(s) in each discipline and Conference.
  • Indoor Track and Field and Outdoor Track and Field present medals the top three finishers in each of the Individual Events and to the First Place Relay Team(s) and coaches will select 5 At Large All Conference selections at the End of Season Meeting.
  • Swimming presents medals to the Top Three (3) Relay Teams and medals to the Top Three (3) finishers in the Individual events in each Conference.
  • Badminton presents medals to the Champion and Runner-Up in Singles and Doubles.
  • Golf presents medals to the Top Three (3) finishers in each Conference.

IAAM Coach of the year


An IAAM Coach of the Year should exhibit the following qualities:

  • A strong knowledge of the game and proven success within the sport
  • A strong rapport with coaches, officials, and athletes
  • Overall respect for the game while living the motto of the IAAM; Fair play, Integrity, and Respect


  • Each sport will recognize a Coach of the Year for a total of 14 recipients per year.
  • All coaches will appear on the All-Conference ballot for team sports and become part of the post-season meeting agenda for Individual Sports. Each school will vote for one individual for COY, within their conference.
  • The selection for each conference (A, B, and/or C) per sport will then be submitted to a selection committee for review and vote. Athletic Directors will have the opportunity to submit a write-up on behalf of their coach prior to the meeting and vote by the selection committee/Executive Committee.


  • Each Award Recipient will receive a plaque in honor of their achievement, to be presented at the school’s discretion.

IAAM Sportsmanship award


  • Schools can nominate more than one athlete.
  • Student Athlete can be any year in school but must be a varsity athlete.
  • Student Athlete must have played at least one IAAM sport in the year in which they were nominated.


  • Nominations are submitted by the first Friday in May
  • Applications are sent to the Executive Director and to be voted on by the Executive Committee.
  • The Executive Committee will vote for one winner.
  • In the case of tie, we will have co-awardees.

Tournament seeding

  • Conferences with 6 or fewer teams: All teams make playoffs
  • Conferences with 7-9 teams: 6 teams make playoffs
  • Conferences with 10-12 teams: 8 teams make playoffs
  • Conferences with 13+ teams: 10 teams make playoffs

Seeding tie-breaker for the following sports:
Basketball – Field Hockey – Lacrosse – Soccer – Softball – Volleyball
(revised July 2019)

IAAM Tiebreaker/ Tournament Seeding Determination

  1. Head to Head Record
  2. Teams Record vs teams above the tied teams in the standings (starting with the first-place team and working your way down)
  3. Teams Record vs teams below tied teams in standings (starting with the team below the tied teams and working your way down)
  4. Point differential in games between tied teams
  5. Point differential in Conference Losses.
    Note: For tiebreaker purposes, see below regarding the “maximum” point total that a team may not exceed or lose by. If the margin of victory is more than the points below, then only these “max numbers” will be used for tiebreaker determination.
    • Soccer, Field Hockey- 3 goals is maximum (Note: Field Hockey “corners” are to be played out in league games)
    • Softball and Lacrosse- 5 Run/Goal maximum
    • Basketball- 13 point maximum
    • Volleyball game score will be used in tiebreaker. i.e. 3 sets to zero is better than 3 sets to 1.
  6. Point Difference in Conference Wins. Using the same “Max Goal” formula as above.
  7. Coin Toss

Instances which involve multiple teams: Sport Chair will work through the steps above to remove one Team. The Sport Chair will then start over until all teams are in the correct order. Each step is used to eliminate only one team at a time.

Conference Realignment

The IAAM has adopted a promotion and relegation model for conference alignment.   One team will be promoted, and one team will be relegated in each conference, at the end of each season.  The teams promoted will be based on best league record. The teams relegated will be based on the weakest league record.


Note: If the team with the best record does not win the post-season tournament, the committee, comprised of three Heads of School and two Athletic Directors, may opt to promote both the league winner and the tournament winner, thus relegating two teams down.


Note: Indoor and Outdoor Track and Field will solely be based on post-season championship results.


Timeline:  Beginning with the Fall 2024’s post-season, teams will be promoted and relegated, as described above, for implementation in the 2025-26 Academic Year


Additional Information


  1. Will there be an Appeals Process?

Yes, a school may appeal the decision to be promoted or relegated however there would have to be severe hardship within a program for an appeal to be granted by the committee.


  1. What is a severe hardship?

One example could be the graduation of the majority of key players.  The determination of an appeal will be taken on a case-by-case basis.


  1. Clarification on “who” would be promoted:

The team with the best League Record would be promoted while the team with the weakest League Record would be relegated.

Note:  The Committee would have the authority to also promote an End-Of-Season Tournament winner based on a series of data points that would include cross-conference competition.


  1. Clarification on Data Points:

The Committee has opted not to mandate cross-conference competition to begin but strongly advises top “B and C” Conference teams to schedule lower “A and B” Conference teams during the regular season so that information can be gathered and used for proper placement.


  1. What is the authority of the Promotion and Relegation Committee?

The goal of this committee is to create a partnership with all Member Schools with the understanding that while schools work through the process, the decision will stand once the appeal process is exhausted.


The committee sees this model as a partnership that provides greater transparency in the process, greater level of success to reach balance in each conference and maintain a human touch within the process. 



Committee Chair: Dani Steinbach, Roland Park Country School
Tournament Administrator: Carol Hatton

Special Rules:
1. All badminton players will adhere to the “Laws of Badminton” as specified by the US Badminton Association.
2. 3 singles, 4 doubles positions for Varsity and JV will be rostered at the beginning of the season.
3. Each school will keep track of their scoring throughout the season using provided scoring formula and spreadsheet
4. Athletes must play in 50% of their matches at their rostered position to be considered for seeding.
5. In the event that an athlete is sick or unable to play in their position during a match, a substitute may be made and is eligible to receive points for a win at that position. A player may not play singles and doubles in the same match with the exception of exhibition players.
6. All teams must compete with HL yellow condor medium speed shuttlecocks.
7. Coaches may coach between all matches but should be respectful of time.
8. All matches must be played by Friday, April 19.


  1. 1. This is a seeded Varsity only tournament with an overall winner for both singles and doubles.
  2. Seeding will be based on points earned during the regular season for wins by position vs. IAAM opponents
  3. Tournament rules and protocols will be reviewed at the seeding meeting
  4. A seeding meeting for all Varsity Head Coaches will take place on Monday April 28, 2025
  5. A Three day tournament at RPCS will be held as follows:
    • Wednesday April 30 – Friday May 2 Times TBD

Tournament & Championships: Please check iaamsports.com for updated information.


Regular Season Chair: Kari McBride, The Catholic High School of Baltimore

Committee Co-Chair: Jesse Thomas, Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Applicable Rules: NFHS

Host Team Responsibilities:
Balls, Water, Clock Operator, and Scorekeeper with appropriate jersey

Special Rules or Modifications:
Noise makers are only allowed during timeouts and dead ball situations. Overtime consists of one, 4 minute period. If a game is interrupted for any reason, it shall be continued from the point of interruption on the next available date. If there is a malfunction of the 30 second shot clock a stop watch must be used. The stop watch operator must shout out 20 seconds, 15, 10, then 5,4,3,2,1 horn.

Tournament Seeding/Eligibility/Set Up Championship Determination:
Single-elimination; All games played at the higher seed

Tournament Seeding/Tie Breaker:

  1. Head to Head Record
  2. Teams Record vs teams above the tied teams in the standings
  3. Teams Record vs teams below tied teams in standings
  4. Point differential in games between tied teams
  5. Point differential in Conference Losses.
    Note: For tiebreaker purposes, see below regarding the “maximum” point total that a team may not
    exceed or lose by. If the margin of victory is more than the points below, then only these “max numbers” will be used for tiebreaker determination. Basketball- 13 point maximum.
  6. Point Difference in Conference Wins. Using the same “Max Goal” formula as above.
  7. Coin Toss
  8. The Championship game must be played in its entirety.
  9. See tie-breaking section for additional information.

Tournament & Championships: Please check iaamsports.com for updated information.
Officials’ Organization
BBOWS. Two officials for all B and C conference games. Three officials for A conference varsity games. Three officials for all conference playoff games and championship games.

Cross Country

Committee Chair: Phil Gilotte, Gerstell Academy
Committee Co-Chair: Alexa Eckley, Beth Tfiloh

Applicable Rules: NFHS
Course walk: 3:15 p.m. (This is the official start time for the meet; the course walk may begin without all scheduled teams in attendance.)
Meet start: 3:45 p.m. is recommended, but understanding the nature of the sport the meet should start as soon as possible following the course walk.

Host Team Responsibilities:
Provide and line the entire race course.
Organize a clearly marked finish line and chute.
Provide recording cards and timing system to record meet results.
Submit full results within 24 hours to opponents and sport chair.

Special Rules or Modifications:
Runners must have competed in 50% of all regular season IAAM meets to be eligible for the Championship meet. In the case of multiple meeting of teams during the regular season, only the second meeting of the two teams will count towards final standings.

Tournament Seeding/Eligibility/Set Up Championship Determination:
Starting line alley determined by random draw
Regular Season – Head to Head
Championship Meet – Standard NFHS rule for tie-breaker

Tournament & Championships: Please check iaamsports.com for updated information.

Field Hockey

Committee Chair: Jessica Dolan, Glenelg Country School
Committee Co-Chair: Mickey Deegan, McDonogh

Applicable Rules: NFHS Rules with Modifications

Host Team Responsibilities:
Game balls, Clock, timer and scorekeeper (Two people), airhorn and stopwatch device

Special Rules or Modifications:
Length of Regular Season Games:
Varsity: Four (4), fifteen (15) minute quarters (running time) with, up to, a seven (7) minute half-time. There will be a two (2) minute break between quarters 1 and 2 and quarters 3 and 4. Each team is allowed one 90 second TO per game. Clock stops after a goal. When a team has a 5 goal lead, the clock will continue to run.
JV: Four (4), twelve (12) minute quarters. No running time with a five (5) minute half-time. Games generally follow the Varsity. Each team is allowed one 90 second TO per game. Clock stops after a goal. When a team has a 5 goal lead, the clock will continue to run.

Modified JV Team play:
JV teams with less than 11 players will have to match the number of players on the field with the team who
had the least number up to 7v7. If a team doesn’t have 7 players then they would have to forfeit the game.

Tie Break for Regular Season Games:
Varsity only: One (1), ten (10) minute SUDDEN VICTORY period of 7v7. With substitutions allowed, no timeouts. A team must start OT with 7 players including the GK, even if someone was sitting out at the end of regulation due to YC/RC. The RC player is not eligible for this OT. The YC’ed player would be eligible for the first OT after serving her penalty time.

Tie Break for ALL Tournament Games (revised 2020):
A team must start each OT with 7 players including the GK, even if someone was sitting out at the end of regulation due to YC/RC. RC players are not eligible for any further OT. The YC’ed player would be eligible for the first OT after serving her penalty time.

  1. A five (5) minute break, prior to the start of OT.
  2. Teams will remain on the same half of the field as in the second half.
  3. Toss of a coin for possession.
  4. Two (2), ten (10) minute, SUDDEN VICTORY periods of 7 v 7 play with three (3) minute half-time and change of ends in between. If a second ten (10) minute 7 v 7 overtime period is necessary, you may use the same six field players. (GK may remain – a field player involved in the first 7 v 7 may not sub in for the GK in the second period).
  5. Anyone in the scorebook may play in the 7 v 7.
  6. No timeouts in the overtime periods.
  7. Only four defenders (including goalkeeper) will be allowed behind the goal line during a penalty corner.
  8. Substitutions allowed.
  9. Clock stops on all goals. Halftime is 5 minutes on all levels.

If the game is still tied after 7 V 7:
During the 1 v 1, players and coaches must remain behind the 25-yard line and in-between the 5-yard mark and the sideline. Spectators MUST stand outside the sideline behind the 25-yard line. Home team will select their sideline and designate the goal to be used.

  1. A series of five (5) 1 v 1’s will be taken from the 25-yard line.
  2. Any eligible player listed in the scorebook may participate in the 1v1 series – subs only for injury. (Note: An “ineligible player” is defined in the rulebook as anyone who has been disqualified or has not completed a suspension.)
  3. Offensive players alternate going against opposing goalkeeper. To begin this procedure, the attacker stands on the 25-yard line and the goalkeeper stands on the goal line.
  4. Each set is limited to 10 seconds.

A goal is scored when:
* The offensive player scores a legal goal within 10 seconds.

The set is over (no goal) when:
* The attacker fouls.
* The ball is sent over the end line by either player.
* The ball is sent out of the striking circle by either player.
* The 10 second period has elapsed.

If the game is still tied after the first round of 1 v 1’s:
The second set, and subsequent sets, will be SUDDEN VICTORY (however the same number of players from each team must take turns). The same players must be used, but the order can be changed at the beginning of the second series only.

Standings will reflect one point for a tie and three points for a win.

Tournament Seeding/Eligibility/Set Up Championship Determination:

  • Conferences with 6 or fewer teams: All teams make playoffs
  • Conferences with 7-9 teams: 6 teams make playoffs
  • Conferences with 10-12 teams: 8 teams make playoffs
  • Conferences with 13+ teams: 10 teams make playoffs

IAAM Tiebreaker/ Tournament Seeding Determination

  1. Head to Head Record
  2. Teams Record vs teams above the tied teams in the standings
  3. Teams Record vs teams below tied teams in standings
  4. Point differential in games between tied teams
  5. Point differential in Conference Losses.
    Note: For tiebreaker purposes, see below regarding the “maximum” point total that a team may not exceed or lose by. If the margin of victory is more than the points below, then only these “max numbers” will be used for tiebreaker determination.
    Soccer, Field Hockey- 3 goals is maximum (Note: Field Hockey “corners” are to be played out in league games)
    Softball and Lacrosse- 5 Run/Goal maximum
    Basketball- 13 point maximum
    Volleyball game score will be used in tiebreaker. i.e. 3 sets to zero is better than 3 sets to 1.
  6. Point Difference in Conference Wins. Using the same “Max Goal” formula as above.
  7. Coin Toss

Instances which involve multiple teams: Sport Chair will work through the steps above to remove one Team. The Sport Chair will then start over until all teams are in the correct order. Each step is used to eliminate only one team at a time.



Tournament & Championships: Please check iaamsports.com for updated information.

Officials’ Organization: BBOWS


Committee Chairs: Erin Howland, St. Paul’s School for Girls

Committee Co-Chair: Nick Gill, Mercy High School School

Applicable Rules:
USGA rules shall govern all IAAM golf matches and tournaments; except as modified by local and tournament rules.

IAAM Golf/ Home team responsibilities:
Prior to the match:
1. Please confirm with your pro shop- number of tee times, tee placement, local rules,course maintenance, practice facility information, which course to be played (ex. BCC West), parking, clubhouse/locker room availability and dress code.
2. Relay this information to the opposing team’s coach, along with your lineup and exhibition players.
3. Communicate with the opposing team’s coach if there is a special event that day (ex. Senior Day), and if you will provide announcements by tee time, or to the whole group at once. Identify a time and location if you are only giving announcements once.
4. Be ready to fill out scorecards with names, and gather pencils, ball markers, tees, divot repair tools etc.
5. Decide format of play for exhibition players, number of holes etc.

Match Day: Announcements/Reminders to Athletes
1. Welcome and Introductions, Identify your ball
2. Identify Match Play format, tee placement, local rules, special instructions (preferred lies, rake and place, etc.), water and restroom locations etc.
3. Pace of Play- regular season matches should be “ready” golf. 
4. Announce what you lie before putting, and confirm scores on the next tee.
5. Scorecards should be exchanged prior to the match and filled out prior to teeing off on every hole.
6. All rule discrepancies and penalties should be discussed among athletes, consulted with in a rule book or app, then procedures should be agreed upon. As a last resort, a coach should be notified.
7. Athletes should not have any discussions with spectators, unless there is a lost ball, penalty is loss of hole for that player (USGA Rule 10.2)
8. Guest team should have honors on the first tee.

Special Rules or Modifications:
Coaches will receive a manual specific for golf at the preseason meeting. All rules and guidelines specific to the IAAM are outlined in this comprehensive document. Coaches should thoroughly review this document in advance of the season.

Tournament Seeding/Eligibility/Championship Determination
Golfers are seeded based on submitted rank order and the order in which the team finished the regular season.

Coaches submit top 4 players from each school/team and two rostered coaches. Players must compete in a minimum of THREE regular season matches to be eligible for tournament play.

The league recognizes both a team champion and an individual A and B conference champion at the season ending tournament.

Rain Policy for Tournament Play:

  1. If play is suspended and players are forced to leave the course, there will be a 30-minute wait period before the match is called. When play is suspended, players must mark their spot with a tee and note on scorecard.
  2. If six holes are not completed, we will restart play the following day on the first tee.
  3. If Day 2 and the Rain Date are unplayable, we will default to Day One results for the championship.

Tournament & Championships: Please check iaamsports.com for updated information

Indoor Track

Committee Chair: Jon Mellinger, Archbishop Spalding
Committee Co- Chair: Fredrica Newman, Indian Creek School

Applicable Rules: NFHS
Special Rules or Modifications:
Long jump & triple jump time limitation – open pit
League specific requirements:
If an athlete scratches from an event after meet entry deadline, she is still in the meet but that event counts as one of her four events competed in. A competitor shall not compete in more than four events, including relays.
Schools who fail to meet league deadlines will be fined $100. A second offense would jeopardize their athletes’ participation in the Championship.
No coaches or athletes are permitted on the infield unless working or warming up for an event. Coaching boxes will be designated for field events.
Tournament Seeding/Eligibility/Set Up Championship Determination:
No regular season champion. A & B conference champion will be determined at the Championship Meet.
Tournament Seeding:
Individual performance during the season based on performances and times at regular season meets or other sanctioned high school events.
Tournament Set-up:

  1. All teams may compete however; all participants must compete in at least 50% of IAAM competitions to be eligible for the Championship Meet.
  2. Athletes must meet published qualifying standards for individual events to compete in the championships.
  3. There is no qualifying standard for relay events. All schools may enter one team in each relay event.
  4. Coaches must assist in officiating the meet as assigned.

Tie-Breaker: NFHS Rules

Tournament & Championships: Please check iaamsports.com for updated information.

Officials’ Organization
Maryland Officials Club will serve as the starters of each race/meet. Coaches will assist with events, as assigned, prior to each meet.


Committee Chair: Kara Carlin, Friends School

Committee Co-Chair: Jessy Morgan, Garrison Forest School


Applicable Rules: NFHS/USA Lacrosse with rules modifications


Host Team Responsibilities:

Game balls (ideally 6+), clock and clock operator, possession clock and possession clock operator and

score keeper.


 Prior Rule Modifications

(NEW) Rule Modifications for 2025: 
  1. NCAA shot clock rule 60/90

90-Second Possession Clock

  • After a team has gained possession of the ball, a visible 90-second possession clock will start unless the possession is following a shot on goal that hits a pipe or rebounds off a save, the team who shot the ball retains possession, and the possession clock has 59 or fewer seconds remaining on the clock. At the expiration of the 90 seconds, a change of possession will be awarded to the opposing team. The 90-second possession clock must stop at any point the game clock is stopped and for free positions awarded in a team’s offensive end that are administered at the dot or 12-meter fan.
  • The 90-second possession clock will be reset to 90 seconds as a result of any of the following occurrences:
  • Any green, yellow or red card issued to the team without possession;
  • Save by the goalkeeper of the team without possession, inside or outside of the goal circle, and whether possessed or deflected off of the goalkeeper;
  • Offside foul; or
  • Change of possession.
  • The 90-second possession clock will be reset to 60 seconds if 59 or fewer seconds remain on the possession clock following a shot on goal that hits the pipe or rebounds off a save and the team who shot the ball retains possession. If more than 59 seconds remain on the possession clock, no reset will be necessary.
  • Note: With regards to the 60-second reset, the reset is based on the time of the deflection.
  • For purposes of this rule, the ball must be released from the shooter’s stick prior to the expiration of the 90-second possession clock. Shots that go wide of the pipes or above the crossbar do not reset the 90-second possession clock.


Administration Following 90-Second Possession Clock Violation

  • If the 90-second possession clock expires before any of the above occurs
  • Sound the horn once and blow the whistle immediately.
  • Award a free position to the opposing team at the spot of the ball within the playing area at the time of the violation.
  • Any player from the team awarded the free position who is on the field of play at the time of the whistle for the 90-second possession clock violation may take the free position.
  • No player may be closer than 2 meters to the free position.
  • If the ball is in the air at the time of the violation, the free position will be administered relative to where the ball lands.
  • If the ball is within 2 meters of out of bounds, the free position will be administered 2 meters from the boundary.
  • If the ball is out of bounds at the time of the violation, the free position will be administered relative to the spot where the ball went out of bounds.
  • The player taking the free position may self-start.
  • Note: This administration above applies to a 60-second reset of the possession clock.



  1. JV games: (There is NO modification to the length of the game, 4, 12 min running clock quarters with a stopped clock in the last 2 min of the 2nd and 4th quarters).


Other Rule Modifications: (Click here for details)

  1. Non-Engagement Fouls
  2. Simultaneous Whistle with Shooting Space – Penalty Administration
  3. Three Seconds – Penalty Administration: – The free position is administered at the hash mark nearest to the spot of the ball on the 8-meter arc, when the whistle is blown.
  4. Goal Circle Fouls
  5. Cross Check: Initiating stick-to-body contact and using the shaft of the stick to hit, push or displace an opponent. Officials will card forceful stick-to-body contact to an opponent’s head, neck, shoulders and back.
  6. Mandatory Card Fouls – Penalty Administration –  A mandatory card foul results in the issuance of a yellow or red card. A yellow card may be a two-minute releasable or non-releasable.


    Note: *When playing at any MPSSAA school the US Lacrosse/NFHS rules will have to be played.


    Tournament Seeding/Eligibility/Set Up Championship Determination:

     Tournament Seeding: Best season record.

     Seeding tiebreaker:

    Head-to-Head Record
    Teams Record vs teams above the tied teams in the standings.
    Teams Record vs teams below tied teams in standings.
    Point differential in games between tied teams
    Point differential in Conference Losses.

    Note: For tiebreaker purposes, see below regarding the “maximum” point total that a team may not exceed or lose by. If the margin of victory is more than the points below, then only these “max numbers” will be used for tiebreaker determination. Lacrosse: 5 goal maximum.


    Point Difference in Conference Wins. Using the same “Max Goal” formula as above.
    Coin Toss
    Playoff games and championship games must be played in their entirety.


     Tournament & Championships: Please check iaamsports.com for updated information.

    Officials’ Organization: BBOWS. All three conferences will use three officials for all regular season games and all tournament games.


    Outdoor Track & Field

    Committee Chair: Fredrica Newman, Indian Creek School
    Committee Co-Chair:Jon Mellinger, Archbishop Spalding

    Applicable Rules: NFHS

    Special Rules or Modifications:
    League specific requirements:

    1. If an athlete scratches from an event after meet entry deadline, she is still in the meet but that event counts as one of her four events competed in. A competitor shall not compete in more than four events, including relays.
    2. Schools who fail to meet league deadlines will be fined $100. A second offense would jeopardize their athletes’ participation in the Championship.
    3. No coaches or athletes are permitted on the infield unless working or warming up for an event.

    Tournament Seeding/Eligibility/Set Up Championship Determination:
    Dual/Tri/Group meets determine regular season champion

    Tournament Set-up:

    1. All teams may compete however; all participants must compete in at least 50% of IAAM competitions to be eligible for the Championship Meet.
    2. Athletes must meet published qualifying standards for individual events to compete in the championships.
    3. There is no qualifying standard for relay events. All schools may enter one team in each relay event.
    4. Coaches must assist in officiating the meet as assigned.

    Tournament & Championships: Please check iaamsports.com for updated information.

    Officials’ Organization Maryland Officials Club. Coaches will assist with events as assigned during the regular season and championships.



    Committee Chair: Julian Domenech, Severn School
    Committee Co-Chair: Ken Krabitz, Chapelgate Christian Academy

    New 2024: Regarding Regular Season Standings: Point allocation will provide one point for a tie and three points for a win

    Applicable Rules: NFHS

    1. Uniforms must have numbers front and back
    2. No excessive celebration (taunting, disrobing, piling on)
    3. No jewelry (piercing of any kind including mouth and naval) -player will be removed until jewelry or piercing removed
    4. Portable goals must be properly secured or official can refuse to work game
    5. Teams can play a “player down,” then sub on a dead ball for injuries or Cards
    6. The clock will be stopped after a goal (until the kick-off occurs), for an injury (but only if signaled by the referee), whenever a card is given, and at the taking of a penalty kick. JV – the clock should stop for injury only.
    7. Visiting high school soccer teams will be required to wear solid white jerseys while the home team will wear dark colors.
    8. The clock shall be stopped when a substitute by the team in the lead is beckoned on the field in the final five minutes of the second period only.

    Home Team Responsibilities: Provide three (3) game balls and two (2) ball runners.

    Special Rules or Modifications:
    Regular Season:
    Varsity: 40-minute halves; 2 10-minute sudden victory overtimes; tie
    Junior Varsity: 35-minute halves; tie (No playoffs or Championships)

    Playoff and Championship:
    40-minute halves; 2 10-minute sudden victory overtimes; penalty kicks; IAAM follows FIFA rules for penalty kicks.

    Tournament Seeding/Eligibility/Set Up Championship Determination:
    All games played at the higher seed.
    Tournament Seeding/Tie Breaker:

    1. Head to Head Record
    2. Teams Record vs teams above the tied teams in the standings
    3. Teams Record vs teams below tied teams in standings
    4. Point differential in games between tied teams
    5. Point differential in Conference Losses.
      Note: For tiebreaker purposes, see below regarding the “maximum” point total that a team may not exceed or lose by. If the margin of victory is more than the points below, then only these “max numbers” will be used for tiebreaker determination. Soccer: 3 goals is maximum.
    6. Point Difference in Conference Wins. Using the same “Max Goal” formula as above.
    7. Coin Toss
    8. The Championship game must be played in its entirety.
    9. See tie-breaking section for additional information.

    Instances which involve multiple teams: Sport Chair will work through the steps above to remove one Team. The Sport Chair will then start over until all teams are in the correct order. Each step is used to eliminate only one team at a time.

    Tournament & Championships: Please check iaamsports.com for updated information.

    Officials’ Organization
    CASRA – “A” and “B” Conference will have three officials assigned to Regular Season and Post-season contests. “C” Conference may request three officials for Regular Season contests. “C” Conference schools will have three officials assigned during post-season tournament and championship games.


    Committee Chair: Eric Dummann, Mount de Sales Academy
    Committee Co-Chair: Jenna King, Concordia Prep

    Applicable Rules: NFHS

    Home Team Responsibilities
    Provide 2 new game balls

    Special Rules or Modifications:
    Federation rules with following modifications:
    A Conference only will use ASA pitching mechanics
    Courtesy Runner for pitcher and catcher

    Special Rules:

    1. The pitching distance will be 43 feet
    2. All game balls must have .47 CORE, 375 Compression, and NFHS stamp on the ball
    3. All helmets will be required to have a facemask/guard
    4. A and B Conferences – 10 run mercy rule after five innings
    5. Three-person umpire crews are mandatory for A, B, and C conference playoff games and championship games.

    “C” Conference:

    1. 15 run mercy rule after five innings
    2. No taunting will be permitted by the batter while attempting to bunt
    3. Maximum 2-hour limit on all games – except playoff games
    4. Public field with a 5:30 p.m. time limit: MASO Umpires should stop the game where it ended at
    5. 5:30 p.m. and both schools will need to finish the game at another time.

    Junior Varsity Rules:

    1. With the exception of the last inning, there is a six-run cap each inning, if there are no outs
    2. 13 run mercy rule after five innings

    Tournament Seeding/Eligibility/Set Up Championship Determination:
    Tournament Brackets will be determined by Committee Chair. If schools do not play all of their conference games by the designated date the Committee Chair will seed with the information at hand.

    Seeding Tie Breaker:

    1. Head to Head Record
    2. Teams Record vs teams above the tied teams in the standings
    3. Teams Record vs teams below tied teams in standings
    4. Point differential in games between tied teams
    5. Point differential in Conference Losses.
      Note: For tiebreaker purposes, see below regarding the “maximum” point total that a team may not
      exceed or lose by. If the margin of victory is more than the points below, then only these “max numbers” will be used for tiebreaker determination. Softball: 5 Run/Goal maximum.
    6. Point Difference in Conference Wins. Using the same “Max Goal” formula as above.
    7. Coin Toss

    Regular Season Tie-Breaker:
    ASA Rules: Starting with the top of the 8th inning, and each half inning thereafter, the offensive team shall begin its turn at bat with the player who is scheduled to bat last in that respective half inning being place on second base (i.e., if the number 5 batter is the lead off hitter, the number 4 batter in the batting order will be placed on second base. A substitute may be inserted for the runner.)

    Tournament Set-Up:

    1. Games are played at higher seed. Home team pays the officials and supplies game balls.
    2. All playoff games will be 7 innings unless the mercy rule is in effect.
    3. Inclement weather procedures:
      a. If the home team’s field is not playable, the home team is responsible for finding a neutral site.
      b. If a neutral site cannot be secured, the visiting team’s field must be the next option.
    4. If a playoff game or championships begins and is interrupted by weather, or for other reasons, the umpires will declare a postponement until the next day. Play will resume from where it was interrupted. Coaches need to record in the scorer’s book: the name of the girl at bat, ball and strike count, number of outs, and identify any base runners. All runs scored prior to interruption will count.
      *The assigner will try to send the same umpiring crew the next day.
    5. The Mercy Rule is in effect for all tournament and championship games (for all conferences).
    6. Playoff games will begin at 4:30 p.m. unless a different time is agreed on by both teams.
    7. See tie-breaking section for additional information.

    Tournament & Championships: Please check iaamsports.com for updated information.

    Officials’ Organization
    MASO (Maryland Association of Softball Officials)
    Two per regular season game. Three-person umpire crews are mandatory for A, B, and C conference playoff games and championship games.



    Committee Chair: Christina Veprek, Bryn Mawr

    Applicable Rules: World Squash Federation

    Special Rules or Modifications:

    1. Eye guards are mandatory.
    2. Varsity and JV Games are standard 3-of-5, with matches involving seven singles matches as standard. The # 8’s will play best 3 –of-5 games as well. Games are “PAR” scoring. Exhibitions #9’s and above will be as court time allows.
    3. Order of Play on a 4 court system will be 7-4-2-6 in the first shift, then 8-3-1-5. Order of Play on a 3 court system will be 5-3-7 in the first shift, then 4-2-6 in the second shift with #1 playing on first available court, with 8 to follow on next available court. Order of Play can be modified with agreement by both coaches.
    4. Refereeing will be handled by a referee and marker system. Players referee their own matches and on their respective court, with home team refereeing 1-3-5-7 and away team refereeing 2-4-6-8. Players should take and pass the US Squash referee test.
    5. No time limit for matches.
    6. Coaches may coach between games, but never during games as that is a rules violation. There is a 90 second time limit between games.
    7. When a player is missing from a match, all players below “must move up” to fill the opening (there cannot be a default at the open position).
    8. Team Rosters: All schools must submit their ladder (Varsity and JV) to the Chair before the first league match. Line-ups for matches must be played in order of ability, with #1 being the best, #2 being the 2nd best, etc… as determined by challenge matches.
    9. Migration Between JV and V levels: Under extraordinary circumstances and with approval by opposing coach, JV players may be permitted to compete in a varsity match, including the Team Tournament, and not lose their JV eligibility. Once a player competes in four varsity matches, however, she may not compete again at the JV level.
    10. Matches listed on the league issued schedule will count in league standings and for seeding the Championship Team Tournament.
    11. All players in matches will have a free US Squash account for posting of individual match scores.
    12. Not more than 11 athletes will be selected to All-Conference.
    13. No parent coaching unless they are a hired coach by the school.
    14. Schools must use Club Locker on the US Squash web portal to post match results for each individual on their team.

    Tournament Seeding/Eligibility/Set Up Championship Determination:

    1. Varsity teams will be seeded in accordance with IAAM policy.
    2. Teams are seeded based on league match results during the season
    3. Team tournament set up with 7 players per team. Tournament rosters can include up to 10 players in case of injury or illness. Teams must bring 8 players to the tournament for each day they are competing in order to have enough refs/markers for each court in the event 4 courts are available so we can utilize all available courts.
    4. Home team will be determined by a racquet spin. Home team refs odd matches, away team refs even matches.
    5. Teams must bring four timing devices to the match. Timing devices will be utilized for warm-up timing and warm-ups will be for 2 min per side.
    6. Winner of Championship Match is League Champion.

    Tournament & Championships: Quarters and Semi-Finals are on Day one, and Finals and a 3 / 4 match are on Day 2. Please check iaamsports.com for updated information.

    Officials’ Organization: N/A


    Committee Chair: Brian Boyd, The Key School
    Committee Co-Chair: Steve Powers, Notre Dame Prep

    Applicable Rules: NFHS

    Home Team Responsibilities:
    Lap counters
    Starting system
    Official scorer
    Notice to opponent of any specific details about the pool that might affect the meet

    Special Rules or Modifications:

    1. 50% Rule: Participants must compete in 50% of the league meets to compete in the championships.
    2. Swimming caps should be a team color and name. No outside team names or logos can be on either. If a name other than the team name is on the cap, have the swimmer turn it inside out. Failure to comply will result in disqualification. If a swimmer wears two swim caps and the outer cap falls off during the swim and the swimmer has a non-school cap showing underneath, the swimmer will be disqualified from that event.
    3. The IAAM will follow USA Swimming and Safe Sport practices regarding deck and locker room photography, cell phone usage and recording devices.
    4. Teams must have a minimum of seven swimmers in a regular season league meet.
    5. Starting blocks: When diving on start, swimmers shall comply with the facilities’ rules or those imposed by meet officials.
    6. In regard to kinesiology tape we follow the NFHS rule book. Tape may be used by a swimmer to treat a documented medical condition. The referee must be presented signed documentation from an appropriate health-care professional before permitting the athlete to compete.
    7. Meet management for Championships Meets shall obtain a sanction number from the local LSC and the meet will be swum as an observed meet under US swimming rules.
    8. Athletes must swim in an event at least one time during the regular season in order to compete in that event at Championships.
    9. Unofficial (non scoring heats) are swum before the varsity (scoring heats). No more than 2 heats of any event will be swum unless there is prior agreement between coaches and officials before the start of the meet. Events will be limited to the order of events as published by the NFHS (11 swimming events).
    10. Backstroke ledges are not allowed in any high school dual meet, invitational meet or championship meet. Use of a ledge will result in a disqualification from that event.

    Tournament Seeding/Eligibility/Set Up Championship Determination:
    Tournament Seeding:
    Seeding is based on individual performances during the season at regular season meets and sanctioned high school meets. Times submitted with NA will not be accepted for championships.

    Tournament & Championships: Please check iaamsports.com for updated information.

    Officials’ Organization
    Maryland Officials Club (MOC). Two officials per dual meet.



    Committee Chair: Robin Lowe, Park
    Applicable Rules: U.S.T.A.

    Special Rules or Modifications:
    Match Format:

    1. A team match consists of two singles and three doubles matches with no player repeats. Each team match is the best of these five individual matches.
    2. Each individual match is the best two of three regular scoring (with ad) tie-break sets, with a set (seven-point) tie-break in each set at six games all.
    3. Third Set Tiebreakers-Super Breaker mirrors USTA: Under match Format: If the team match has already been determined when a third set is to begin, or by mutual consent of the coaches (in the event of impending darkness, for instance), a ten point match tiebreak will be played in lieu of the third set.
    4. Singles and doubles matches should be played simultaneously if possible.
    5. Matches should go out in order (1st varsity singles, 2nd singles, 1st doubles, etc.) except in extraordinary circumstances.
    6. There is a ten-minute warm-up with the opponents before the matches begin.
    7. Players should not leave the court except for bathroom breaks; they should take everything they need (water, extra racquets, towels, etc.) with them at the start of the match.
    8. J.V. matches will consist of a ten-game pro-set with a set (seven-point) tie-break at 10-10.


    1. Each team may have up to two coaches for regular season matches and the Championship tournament. Teammates and parents are not permitted to coach and should not go on the court for any reason. First violation would be an issued warning, the second violation would be a disqualification of the match.
    2. Coaches must be on site for all regular season and tournament matches.
    3. Coaching may only occur during the two-minute set break (at the end of each set) and during the 90 second odd-game changeover. Coaching may not take place after the first game of any set, when the change of ends should be deliberate. Coaching should never delay the beginning of the next game.
    4. Coaching should occur on the court or at the fence without disturbing adjacent matches.
    5. During play, communication between coach and player is limited to cases of injury, questions of procedure, and disputes about score.
    6. Coaching is not allowed during bathroom breaks or injury time-outs.

    Team roster:

    1. Each team must submit their roster and ladder to the Chair before their first match. The Chair must be informed if the ladder is changed.
    2. Line up: In the event of injury, illness or any other absence during the regular season, the coach must inform the opposing coach and Chair of intended changes in line up. If the #1 singles player is absent, the #2 must move to #1 and a substitute player must be inserted at #2. If the #1 or #2 doubles team is affected, a substitution may be made, but the resulting three doubles teams must play in the order of ability. However, if both players from the same double teams are unavailable, upward movement must occur not substitution.
    3. Schools are expected to fill out the shared google doc with line ups and scores following each match.
    4. The top singles players on each team must play singles, with the #1 singles player better than the #2. The three doubles teams must also play in order of ability, with the best doubles team playing #1 and the weakest playing #3.
    5. At the end of the season, each team must submit an entry form with their line-up for the end-of-season tournament.
    6. If a team wants any of their players to be seeded in the tournament, they must submit a seeding form for that player. In order for a singles player (or doubles team) to be seeded, they must have played in that position in 51% of the matches.
    7. The Tournament Director will seed 2-4 positions depending on the number of teams participating in the tournament. Conference tournaments with < 8 teams will seed 2 positions; Conference tournaments with 8 or > will seed 4 positions.
    8. If there is a withdrawal after the tournament has been seeded but prior to the first serve of the tournament, a substitution will be allowed (from a player not already scheduled in the tournament). However, a withdrawal after the first serve of the tournament will be replaced with a bye.
    9. Flight winners will automatically earn All-Conference and 5 at-large spots will be selected with the same process as all team sports.

    Tournament Seeding/Eligibility/Set Up Championship Determination:
    Championship Determination:

    1. The team championship will be determined by the end-of-season flighted tournament.
    2. Each tournament win will be counted as one point. A point is also awarded for a Bye.

    Tournament & Championships: Please check iaamsports.com for updated information.


    Committee Chair: Josiah Wolf, Annapolis Area Christian School
    Committee Co-Chair: Seth Goldberg, John Carroll School

    Applicable Rules: NFHS

    Host Team Responsibilities:
    Balls, water, score table personnel, line judges

    Special Rules or Modifications:
    Varsity Match is Best 3 out of 5 
    Games to 25, Rally Scoring, Win by 2 
    Game 5 is to 15, Rally Scoring, Win by 2 
    Let serve is legal 

    JV Match is Best 2 out of 3
    Games to 25, Rally Scoring, Win by 2
    Game 3 is to 15, Rally Scoring, Win by 2
    Let serve is legal

    Tournament Seeding/Eligibility/Set Up Championship Determination:

    1. Single-elimination
    2. All games played at the higher seed at 5:15 p.m.
    3. Tie Break:
      • Head to Head Record
      • Teams Record vs teams above the tied teams in the standings
      • Teams Record vs teams below tied teams in standings
      • Point differential in games between tied teams
      • Point differential in Conference Losses.
      • Note: For tiebreaker purposes, see below regarding the “maximum” point total that a team may not
      exceed or lose by. If the margin of victory is more than the points below, then only these “max numbers” will be used for tiebreaker determination. Volleyball: game score will be used in tiebreaker. i.e. 3 sets to zero is better than 3 sets to 1.
      • Point Difference in Conference Wins. Using the same “Max Goal” formula as above.
      • Coin Toss
    4. The Championship game must be played in its entirety.
    5. See tie-breaking section for additional information.

    Tournament & Championships: Please check iaamsports.com for updated information.

    Officials’ Organization
    BBOWS (2 officials for varsity / 1 official for JV)

    Game Clock and OT Procedures

    Fall Season

    SportRegulationNotesOver Time
    Field Hockey- Varsity4 x 15 min ¼’s (7 min ½ time and 2 min break between ¼’s)Run clock - stop after goal- Each team is allowed one 90 second TO per game.1 10 min sudden victory (7 v 7) Subs permitted, no TO’s
    Field Hockey - JVClock stops after goalsNo OT in JV
    Soccer- Varsity2 x 40 min ½Run clock - stop after goals. 2 10 min OT - Golden Goal. Could end in tie
    Soccer - Junior Varsity2 x 35 min ½Run clock - running clockNo OT
    Volleyball - VarsityBest of 5 games
    Sets 1-4 go to 25 pts 
    5th set goes to 15 pts not 25
    warm up: 15 min shared time
    6 min segments of court time for each team
    NO OT
    Volleyball - JVBest of 3 games
    Sets 1-2 go to 25 pts
    3rd set goes to 15 pts not 25
    warm up: 15 min shared time
    6 min segments of court time for each team
    NO OT

    Winter Season

    SportRegulationNotesOver Time
    Basketball - Varsity4 8 min Quarters (32 min total)Varsity 40-minute OT
    One minute rest between end of game and start of OT.
    If still tied, additional 4-minute extension will be added until the tie is broken (with 1 minute between)
    Basketball - Junior Varsity4 8 min Quarters (32 min total)No overtime. Game ends in a tie

    Spring Season

    SportRegulationNotesOver Time
    IAAM V LAX4-12min QRun clock - stop the clock in the last 2 minutes of 2nd and 4th quarters2 3min stopped clock OT - sudden victory
    IAAM JV LAX4-12min QRun clock - stop the clock in the last 2 minutes of 2nd and 4th quartersNO OT
    Softball - VarsityASA Rules: Starting with the top of the 8th inning, and each half inning thereafter, the offensive team shall begin its turn at bat with the player who is scheduled to bat last in that respective half inning being place on second base (i.e., if the number 5 batter is the leadoff hitter, the number 4 batter in the batting order will be placed on second base. A substitute may be inserted for the runner.)
    Softball - Junior Varsity

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